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Herbert Miller
Posted on the 2022-08-10 at 20:00
I am looking for any contact information for Dick Nelson and Doug Smith. Both have common sir names so internet searchs provide dozens and dozens of responces, even with filters like Minnesota and 74-76. Went to St Louis Park HS today to get, perhaps their middle name.  They would not even give me their initial. Year book does not include middle name or initial. I did find Lenny Oslund, and we had a nice talk a couple of days ago. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Herb Miller
Rollie Troup
Posted on the 2022-07-26 at 20:00
A HUGE THANK YOU to Lund\'s and Byerly\'s St. Louis Park, Top Ten Liquors Miracle Mile, and our beloved McDonald\'s across the street from Park High for their most generous donations to our 75/57 birthday reunion weekend. Their donations helped us have a successful lovely weekend. Please make sure to support these great businesses.
mark cohen
Posted on the 2022-07-15 at 20:00
Hello to all you old timers.... I won't be coming to see y'all.   I'm still extremely sad about the passing of Steve Feldman...he was a great buddy for decades. Every time I tee it up I think of him. Probably why my game is still fairly strong. life is good here in Florida.  Still working in home furnishings and loving it. celebrating my mother's 95th this summer in Nashville and attending my niece's wedding in Hollywood Ca in September. Hope everyone stays healthy and enjoys all the "old" memories. Takecare.  Hope to attend the next reunion.  
Marilyn Langman Smith
Posted on the 2022-06-09 at 20:00
I am looking forward to seeing everyone in July at our 2022 reunion celebrating our 75/57 milestones. Thinking of being in Minneapolis during the Aquatennial brings back fond memories for me. After high school graduation and during my college summers a few years after that, I was a member of the Aquatennial "Roving Units", so many years ago. We entertained at many venues in Minnesota (not just Minneapolis) - at children's hospitals, senior care facilities, festivals, etc. spreading goodwill and fun. Now, I've kind of come full circle. Even though we are retired, for our business Community Involvement Project, my husband, Michael, and I now sponsor hired entertainment programs (where I emcee and interject a song or two) at senior care facilities to enhance the residents' musical enjoyment.
Rollie Troup
Posted on the 2022-05-01 at 20:00
It is a pleasure to be able to chair the 75/57 celebration.  We have a great weekend planned and I really hope everyone who is able will attend.  We deserve to have FUN, see old friends and trash talk those who don't come (just kidding). My friend Ellen Gold Nelson just said it best when celebrating her 75th birthday yesterday:  "It's an honor and privilege to join the quarter century club -- and it's free!" Looking forward to seeing everyone July 22 and 23.  We will definitely do The Stroll Down Memory Lane.  
Lynda Andrews Lemke
Posted on the 2021-11-19 at 19:00
Sparky Just a short note to let you know that my best friend from HS, Sue Lynch Almquist passed away Aug 19,2021, at age 74. She was married to Curt Almquist, also class of 65, who passed Sept 18,2014, at age 67. my email is cell# 952-564-5826
Posted on the 2021-05-16 at 20:00
Our Class mate, Bill Jackobson has been fighting stage four brain cancer for the last few months. His latest update from varilous doctors indicate there are no nfurther treatmentn programs that will work for him. He has been given two week to two months to live. He will be transitioning to an assisted living facility that will also provide hospice care when needed.  Bill has lost his telephone directory, yes I said directory, so is unable to contact some folks he would truly love to hear from, especially Tommy the Prez and Tim Long and others as well. He has amaziong stories to share, and exceptional recall of classroom antics, including where people sat in which class and who was seated near you.  He does not have emai, but you can call or text to talk, reminence, wish him well (952 215 2327).  Many thanks, R.  Morss  
Stephen M Graning
Posted on the 2021-04-04 at 20:00
Well, I'm back in Minnesota now. I spent about 17 years in Houston, Texas and 5 years in New Braunfels, Texas. I lost my wife of 29 Years in 2016 and moved back to Minnesota in 2017. My health isn't the greatest, so I moved in with 2 of my single boys in Cambridge, MN. I truely believe we grew up in the best of times. I have many fond memories of my growing up in the 50's & 60's. Hopefully those of us still here will hookup at the next reunion.  
David Shapley
Posted on the 2021-02-22 at 19:00
The Shapley Family is still a Swimming Family and is doing well. Son, Aaron Shapley, Cal Berkley, five time all america, has  reached the the Iron Man level. Adam swam D-1 at Mizzo and Clemsen. My wife, Cassy, is retired as as manager of US Swimming Minnesota. We are all still swimming, including two grandchildren in Austin Texas. My wife and I reside in Minnetonka, Minnesota.
Linda Anderson
Posted on the 2021-02-22 at 19:00
Sadly, one of our beloved teachers, Marcella Johnson, passed away on January 25, 2021 at the age of 100.  Marcy taught Business Education for over 25 years until her retirement. She had lived in Sun City West, AZ for many years before her death.  Marcy lived across the street from my family throughout my school years.  She and I kept up our friendship until her death. When she would visit relatives here, we would get together for lunch or dinner to catch up and share memories.  We would keep in touch on a regular basis through e-mail, letters and telephone. Every year on her birthday she would send me a photo riding her bicycle!  She was an amazing woman and a great friend! I'll never forget her and will miss her very much.
Randy Resnick
Posted on the 2021-02-21 at 19:00
News: France is behind, as most of Europe, in vaccinations. Currently 75 or older can get the shot. We're too young! This said, I'd like to shout out an unabashed soelf-promo for my recent music: 12 song album on Spotify, 5 song on Apple. LOts of singles from the past two years on all streaming sites. You can listen free to full versions of over 125 original songs here: The last live gig I played was guitar with Canned Heat in 2012.  
Herbert George Miller
Posted on the 2020-12-29 at 19:00
Just signed up to this website.
Jim Kelly
Posted on the 2020-11-22 at 19:00
Was looking at obits in Star Trib and thought about my Senior year at Park High.  Sad to see so many of our classmates that have passed.  I just want to add my name to the military list as every day has been special since.  Entered the US Army in Sept 67 and went to Vietnam in Aug 68.  Spend the year with the 2/20 Aerial Rocket Artillery and crewed & flew front seat in a Cobra Helicopter gunship with the 1st Air Cavalry.  Got out in July 1970 and got my degree at St Cloud State in 73.  Been living in Cape Coral Fl for the past 38 years.  NO Snow and I love the heat.   Best health and safety to all.  Jim Kelly  
Thomas Wilcox
Posted on the 2020-11-20 at 19:00
Just an FYI Gloria Soles obituary is in the Star Tribune today Sept. 6 th.  She passed away on August 9 th 2020. 
Jay Freedland
Posted on the 2020-09-03 at 20:00
Sorry to say Bob Wexler died late July.
George Kohan
Posted on the 2020-08-23 at 20:00
It was brought to my attention one of our classmates, Billy Jacobson, is currently going through some health issues.  He recently underwent a surgical procedure to remove a tumor from his brain and will begin further treatment very soon.  Please keep Billy in your thoughts and prayers as he goes through the process of recovery.  
Linda Zuel Weber
Posted on the 2020-06-28 at 20:00
Hi, I am Linda's husband and am responding for her.  Sadly, Linda was diagnosed Alzheimers some 4 years ago.  Luckily she has retained the sweet personality and caring manner I married.  We raised 3 wonderful daughters in solid marriages, with 2 grandchildren each.  We have been richly Blessed. We met and married in San Francisco where we started our family, moved to Denver for work and eventually to Atlanta where we our now located. We maintain links to Minnesota via her brother Tim and long time family cabin on Big Pine Lake.  We visit whenever possible.  She is at home with me now, though changes are coming. Respectfully,   Dick Weber
Alan Julin
Posted on the 2020-06-04 at 20:00
I just wanted to update my military service. I served in the Army from 1968-1970.
John Lindemann
Posted on the 2020-05-24 at 20:00
Hello All! It is Memorial Day weekend,  2020.  Hundreds of thousands of people are dying, forty million Americans are out of work and there is no baseball.  Life sucks! But here's an idea - why not read my book.  The title is UNCONDITIONAL.  A man, an infant Holocaust survivvor, developes a messiah like complex and makes it his life's work to defeat the enimies of Israel once and for all. The book is available on Amazon in either e-book or paperback.  On Amazon's front page  search box type my full name  John Webster Lindemann.  Let me know what you think.  John 
Rollie Troup
Posted on the 2020-05-17 at 20:00
What to do during a pandemic? Having Emberger Royals with Ronnie Weisman! Last Embers anywhere is in Fridley.
Gregg Griffiths
Posted on the 2020-05-17 at 20:00
Sparky, just wanted to let you know that I was in the Army from 1967 to 1970. I was a combat medic in Viet Nam from 1968-69.
Steven Hoffman
Posted on the 2020-05-17 at 20:00
Hello classmates, I reside in Murrells Inlet, South Carolina.  It is a quaint little drinking village with a fishing problem.  I look forward to attending the class reunion in 2021.  Recent news of my passing were highly exaggerated as I can assure you that I am still the radical little SOB of a libertarian activist here in South Carolina.  Politics is my raison d'etre and South Carolina is a target rich environment.  But I promise you that I will not talk politics at the convention.  As I have traveled throughout the world since I graduated from St. Louis Park, I quickly realized how lucky I was to go to a good high school that actually had a high quality educational program.  We are all blessed.  Oh ya, forgot to mention...I am a born again Christian.  Used to worry that I would be like an atheist at his own funeral; all dressed up and no place to go.
Marcie Wattson Jensen
Posted on the 2019-12-17 at 19:00
I just found out that our classmate Sandi  Bowlin Miller passed away in August. 
Randy Resnick
Posted on the 2019-10-29 at 20:00
I kown you'll be relieved to know that I am alive, in good health and still playing music. In fact, I play saxophone now, too. You can hear all my music free here: As I no longer live in the USA, Ihaven't been to a reunion. Enjoy yourselves! I can be also reached via
tommy sipkins
Posted on the 2017-11-13 at 19:00
Sadly, our classmate Steve Feldman passed away unexpectedly last week. His obituary was in Sunday's Star & Tribune, November 12, 2017. He is survived by his wife,  our classmate, Sue Berg, their children and grandchildren.
Linda F. Anderson
Posted on the 2017-11-10 at 19:00
I was able to locate a complete obituary for classmate and friend, Dave Chorzempa.  You can access it at  He was a Marine, and served his country after his deployment ended proudly.  Thank you for your service to America, Dave.  Rest in Peace.
Linda F. Anderson
Posted on the 2017-09-24 at 20:00
Classmate and friend, Mark Freidson passed away on September 16th.  His obituary is in the Sunday Tribune today, September 17th.  Rest in Peace Mark and thanks for the memories.
Linda Anderson
Posted on the 2017-09-24 at 20:00
Hi Sparky - Barbara Blettner's married name is Offord.  This is the correct spelling.  There is an obituary in 2008 for her husband.  Barbara lived in Stillwater at that time.  Sorry I can't be of more help, but perhaps with the correct spelling of her last name and her place of residence in 2008, you might have more luck tracking her obituary down.
Hal Bitzer
Posted on the 2017-08-15 at 20:00
Just checking the Vets page, add my name to that.
US Navy, 1969- 1973
Posted on the 2017-08-15 at 20:00
would like to update my military service. US Army, 1966-1968
craig wylie
Posted on the 2017-07-18 at 20:00
Please add curtis hall to your veterans list army 2 years died of agent orange. thanks
Linda F. Anderson
Posted on the 2017-06-18 at 20:00
Classmate James Probst passed away on June 14th.  His obituary is in the June 18th Sunday Star Tribune.  Rest in Peace Jim.
Linda Anderson
Posted on the 2017-06-14 at 20:00
Sadly, fellow classmate, Sanford (Sandy) Proosow passed away on November 16th.  His obituary is in the Star Tribune today (November 17th).
Linda F. Anderson
Posted on the 2017-06-14 at 20:00
Classmate Nathan Neff passed away on January 25th.   His obituary is in the Minneapolis Star Tribune.
Linda Anderson
Posted on the 2017-06-14 at 20:00
Hi Sparky ~  Classmate Nancy Lear passed away on March 29th.  Her obituary is in the Star Tribune this morning.  This is unfortunately an email notification I seem to be sending you more and more often.
Linda F. Anderson
Posted on the 2017-06-14 at 20:00
Sadly, another classmate of ours has passed away.  Steve Burke passed away on April 16th.  His obituary is in today's Star Tribune.  Rest in Peace, "Mr. Hockey"!
Mike Martin
Posted on the 2017-04-04 at 20:00
Classmates and friends, I"ll be taking one more job in Ft Myers, Fl. I know there are a number of SLP 65 grads who spend at least part of the year there. For any and all I hope you'll connect. I'll be at Floria Gulf Coast University. They'll be able to find me. Looking forward to seeing many of you! I'll asked Georgie K to post my new contact info as soon as I have it. And Georgie always comes through. Mike M  
Linda Anderson
Posted on the 2016-10-02 at 20:00
I just received news this morning that fellow classmate, William (Bill) Dahl passed away early this morning.  Bill had struggled with diabetes and its terrible side effects for many years.  He had recently been receiving dialysis three times a week for several months for kidney failure, and has also struggled with cancer, a foot amputation and congestive heart failure.  Bill and I first met at age 4 and we have remained dear friends ever since.  My heart is broken. 
Linda Anderson
Posted on the 2015-11-22 at 19:00
Classmate Ron Pfannsmith passed away recently.  His obituary is listed in the Sunday Star Tribune today.
Linda F. Anderson
Posted on the 2015-10-25 at 20:00
Beloved Coach, "Lefty" Wright passed away.  His obituary is in the Minneapolis Sunday Tribune dated October 25th.
Don and Sally Morss
Posted on the 2015-09-10 at 20:00
It was wonderful to see everyone at this 50th reunion. The committees that put this  together did a wonderful job.  Thank you to all.
Laura Carlberg
Posted on the 2015-08-31 at 20:00
Thanks to all committee members and volunteers for the best reunion ever!
Darlene (Buckett) White
Posted on the 2015-08-30 at 20:00
Hi, Everyone, I just finished taking the tour of the High School and reconnected with many old friends. I wish I were able to attend the other events, but am not. I am retired now, after having worked for over 40 years for Christian ministries, mostly for Billy Graham. Now it is volunteering, attending Twins games, and of course singing, that fills my days.  I hope you all enjoy whatever events you are able to attend.
Jerrilyn Satrang Mathisrud
Posted on the 2015-08-26 at 20:00
Mrs. Hagstrom's Art Students Update After the school tour on Friday, we will meet for lunch at Granite City (Highway 100 & Excelsior Blvd.) at 12:45 pm.
Hillary Kollins Stoltz
Posted on the 2015-08-26 at 20:00
Hi all, 50 wonderful years have gone by, but getting back together and catching up with friends from Park High, Westwood Jr High and Fern Hill should weave us together again. Looking forward to our 50th High School Reunion and a weekend of fun. Many thanks to all of our classmates that stepped up to volunteer and put this special event together!  My husband, Bob, and I are retired & live on a pristine lake in the Northwoods near Itasca and we rarely venture to the "big city", but this will be a real treat.  Wishing you all peace, good health and blessings.
Laura Carlberg McArdle
Posted on the 2015-08-22 at 20:00
Does anyone have contact info for Sue Sterling?
Peter Jarosak
Posted on the 2015-08-19 at 20:00
I won't be able to come as I have had the funerals of two of my brothers there this summer and it's a long trip from North Carolina, sorry to miss it.
Mike Wilds
Posted on the 2015-08-15 at 20:00
Can't attaend .. 3 trips in 2 weeks.

fred anderson
Posted on the 2015-08-12 at 20:00
talked to Randy resnick, who is going back to France Aug 15th and won't be able to make it to reunion. As Henry Morgan (no, not Harry Morgan) used to say on CBS radio: Hello Anybody. As Gomer (no, not Goober) used to say, all the best to you and yours.
Chris Kaminski
Posted on the 2015-08-11 at 20:00
I 'd always associated the name of our year book Echowan with its homophone Echo 1, the the balloon satellite which I was just reminded, on the radio this morning, NASA launched 55 years ago today (Aug 12, 1960). So I pulled the year books off the shelf, and it occurred to me that the association must be coincidental, as the first two volumes are labeled Vol. 34 and Vol. 35, and by senior year they had lost count. This would imply that Volume 1 celebrated the graduating class of 1929, back far enough that they weren't even thinking about how to undo a Depression, never mind communication satellites.  Does anyone have a better story behind the naming of the yearbook? If not, I'm just gonna stick with the NASA balloon. I won't be able to make the reunion, but I'd like to suggest this as something to talk about after a few drinks at the Park Tavern.
Muggs Anderson GAllagher
Posted on the 2015-08-09 at 20:00
Greetings from Allen, Texas, my home for 30 years now. I am still wokrng as a nurse as I like to spend too much money on my 5 grandchildren who all live in the same town as I do. They keep me young and busy. Still married to Doug for 47 years. I will miss the reunion as I have already made my Minnesota trip this year but sounds like you have done a great job of planning this event. Hope you all have a great time!
Jerrilyn Satrang Mathisrud
Posted on the 2015-08-09 at 20:00
Mrs. Hagstrom, our art teacher, is attending the tour of the school on Friday and the Big Event on Saturday.  She would love to see her former students.  We will meet for lunch after the school tour.  Join us if you can!   
Sandy (snider) Larson
Posted on the 2015-08-02 at 20:00
I look forward to  seeing pictures and  reading about all the good times you will have.  I sorry but I  broke my leg in Feb and will not  beable to attend.  Leg healed with 19  screws and a  rod but its the  bending thats not cooperating.   So have a  great time and feel free to email.
Reed Becker
Posted on the 2015-08-02 at 20:00
I am excited to see a lot of people after 50 years.
Gail Papermaster Bender Satz
Posted on the 2015-07-29 at 20:00
I am looking forward to seeing everyone at the reunion.  I retired May, 2015 after working as a medical oncologist for 37 years.  I loved my career and was so privileged to witness and participate in so many advances in cancer care.   I have been married for 13 years to Mark Satz.   We have 4 sons and 2 daughters and 6 grandchildren.  I continue to have an apartment in Minneapolis, but I am living primarily in our lake home in Crosslake, MN where we golf, swim, fish, boat, and spend time with family and friends.  
Gail Papermaster Bender Satz
Posted on the 2015-07-12 at 20:00
Hi all,  Hard to believe that we are having our 50th high school reunion.  Remember when we couldn't trust anyone over 30 years old?  My life is busy and wonderful.  I just retired after working 37 years as a medical oncologist.  I loved my patients and being involved in all of the improvements in cancer care and treatment over my career.  But now it is time for a real vacation.  My four boys are all working and self-sufficient--2 in California and 2 in New York.  My husband, Mark Satz, and my 7 year-old granddaughter, Samantha, keep me active and moving with biking, kayaking, theater, and travel.  We live in Minneapolis near Lake Calhoun and have a lake home in Crosslake, MN.  Although I am saddened to learn of those no longer with us,  I am looking forward to our 50th Reunion event.  
Tom Wilcox
Posted on the 2015-07-12 at 20:00
Sad to report the passing of a Great Track Coach Roy Griak.  He was 91 and had work for the U. of M. Since 1963 a total of 52 years.  His obituary is in the Star and Tribune  today. RIP
Elaine Goss
Posted on the 2015-07-12 at 20:00
Me and my partner, Bob, have traveled to Puerto Rico, Mexico and Florida.  We love to travel, especially during the winter months.  We've been to Florida four times:  Miami Beach, Siesta Key, Inglewood & Fort Lauderdale.  We also go dancing every week to different places and do salsa.  We see a lot of movies.  I've been dancing since I was 13.  I read a lot and we travel a lot and it is very fun and exciting.  I work at STEP doing clerical work and I really like that.  Being with Bob has been the best relationship I've ever had. 
I was real saddened by Penny Glassman's passing.  I was also saddened by Roxy Orenstein's passing.  Bob and I like to go on a lot of walks in the summer.  We love the ocean.  Whenever we go on vacation, we just love the ocean.  It's interesting to see how other people live in the other countries that we have visited.  Traveling is fun and keeps you young at heart.  It broadens your mind.
Deb (Gelhar) Berg
Posted on the 2015-07-04 at 20:00
50 Years Already? Wow!  I will be at the reunion with my husband, Jim.  Marit Fredheim (foreign exchange student and my sister for the year) will be coming with us!  She is very excited to meet and greet everyone again.  Being retired now, I am being kept busy with projects for both my children (Lee and Miki,) but do not as of yet have any grandkids!  2 grandpuppies that I love, however. I am also volunteering at my church, and still doing creative arts for fun.  Since my husband does not wish to retire yet, we are still living in Minnesota.  Maybe in a few years we will try something a little warmer. The older we get, the less we tolerate the cold!  Especially after spending our 40th Wedding Anniversary in the beautiful, magical island of Hawaii.  Looking forward to greeting everyone soon.
marcie wattson jensen
Posted on the 2015-01-23 at 19:00
Our condolences to classmate Bruce Wallace for the loss of his wife Roseanne today.
Cynthia Pratt Thayer
Posted on the 2014-12-26 at 19:00
Another of our classmates has passed away.  Linda McKusick Romov passed away on Christmas Day, losing her battle with cancer.  She and her husband Jim have been living in Sherman Oaks, Ca.
Linda F. Anderson
Posted on the 2014-11-02 at 19:00
Unfortunately, this is becoming all to familiar.  Classmate Peter Hagen, still living in St. Louis Park, passed away on October 28th.  His obituary is in the Sunday Star Tribune today.
Linda F. anderson
Posted on the 2014-10-12 at 20:00
Classmate Sandee Cohodes (Landa) passed away in Toronto on October 6th.  Her obituary is in the Star Tribune this morning. 
Don Morss
Posted on the 2014-09-27 at 20:00
Hello form Montana - after 50 years it's time we come back and see our "ageless friends" !! Sally and I are looking forward to returning to MN for  a quick visit for the 50th Class Reunion.  See you next year.
Linda F. Anderson
Posted on the 2014-09-21 at 20:00
Classmate Curt Almquist passed away from cancer on September 18th.  His obituary was in the Star Tribune on Sunday, September 21st.
Randy Resnick
Posted on the 2014-07-28 at 20:00
50 years lucky with health Lived about half my life in Europe One wife of 35 years, but many careers No U of M diploma, but one quarter attended Coming to get you at the 50th reunion.  
Linda F. Anderson
Posted on the 2014-05-26 at 20:00
Unfortunately, another classmate has recently passed away.  Dennis Ikola died on May 20th and his obituary appeared in the Sunday Tribune today. Rest in Peace Dennis.
Arlene Vetsch Harper
Posted on the 2014-04-27 at 20:00
My father passed away on March 15 at age 94. He lived an active and full life.
Cynthia Pratt Thayer
Posted on the 2014-04-20 at 20:00
I didn't know I would be back at this site so soon.  It is with a sad heart that I report the passing of  my brother and our classmate, Jeff Nelson.  Jeffrey passed away this morning, on his 67th birthday.  He was living in Florida with his wife Carole. His children Megan and Ryan are still living in Minnesota.
Cynthia Pratt
Posted on the 2014-03-26 at 20:00
Just a note to those of you who knew my Mom, Ginny Pratt.  It is with much sadness that I let you know she passed away 3/25/14.  She had been living in Florida near my brother Jeff.  My husband and I got to spend some time with her in August on her 90th birthday.  Needless to say, she will be missed.  She will be remembered with love.
Linda F. Anderson
Posted on the 2014-03-16 at 20:00
Sadly, another classmate has passed away.  Linda Benjamin died on March 10th.  Her obituary is in today's Star Tribune.  Rest in Peace, Linda.
Linda F. Anderson
Posted on the 2014-01-25 at 19:00
Unfortunately another classmate has recently passed away.  Terje (Terry) Hausken passed away on January 18th.  His obituary appeared in the Star Tribune on January 21.
Terry was a neighbor of mine.  Such a super nice guy.  Rest in Peace, Terry.
Alan Weisman
Posted on the 2013-09-22 at 20:00
Dear Park '65 classmates --
Since regrets to all for missing the last couple of reunions -- I was across some ocean each time.  I won't miss the 50th.  Sincere envy to those of you already retired, or on the brink of it.  I'm a writer -- thanks mainly to Mr. Litsey in 11th grade, who taught me how, and to my total incompetence at anything else.   It's an addictive, exhilarating, precarious way to make a living, and for all those reasons, I'll likely keep doing it.
Many of you kindly wrote me because of my last book, The World Without Us, a  bestseller now in 34 languages.  I loved hearing from you: thanks so much. My next, titled Countdown, will be published this week, on Sept. 24, 2013, by Little, Brown and Company and soon in 15 foreign editions  The research took me to 21 countries, beginning in Israel and Palestine, ending in Iran, with much Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas in between -- long story.  If you're in the Twin Cities, the book tour will take me  on Oct. 2, to the University of Minnesota Bookstore, Memorial Union, 300 Washington Avenue, SE at 7:00 PM. On Oct. 3, I'll be at Barnes & Noble, 3225 West 69th Street, Edina, also at 7:00 PM.  The website below explains more about the book and lists where I'll appear in other cities -- it's incomplete, but updated weekly.  I'd be so grateful and happy to see any of you, as some of you -- Glenn Strand, Luther Dale, Ron Weisman, Rollie Troup, and Jeff Isenberg -- surprised me on my last book tour.  (This time, I've already heard that I may be seeing Bob Harada, Tim Long, Tom Sipkins, Bob Stein, Bill Posnick, and Al Stesin if he can get off work -- still a dedicated ER physician.)
Although I hadn't planned it that way, after traveling to all those places, my new book ends in Minnesota. For me, it was literally coming home. Thanks for the memories, gang.  We're all lucky that there are more to come.
Alan Weisman (I no longer respond to the nickname that began with T.  Don't even try.)
Coming Sept 24, 2013: Countdown: Our Last, Best Hope for a Future on Earth?
In paperback:
Linda Anderson
Posted on the 2013-09-15 at 20:00
Our classmate, Becky Longabaugh passed away on Friday, September 13.  Her obituary appeared in the Sunday Star Tribune on September 15.
Peter Hagen
Posted on the 2013-08-03 at 20:00
  My brother John Hagen passed away July 6th in Phoenix, Arizona. (SLP CLASS OF 61) For one, I am very sad.  Everybody loved my brother John.  He was a great guy and a good brother.
Cindy Pratt Thayer
Posted on the 2013-04-02 at 20:00
Just an update, I got married on Feb. 16, 2013 to Michael Thayer.  I am still living in the desert of So. California.  My address is changed but my phone number is still the same.  I am so excited to start this new chapter of my life.
Mike Dungan
Posted on the 2013-04-02 at 20:00
Hi former classmates. My wife and I have just moved to Eugene OR after 20 years in Geneva, Switzerland -- and 20 years before that in Texas (PhD from UW Seattle in 1974). Guess which one we preferred. Spending some time at the Johnson Space Center almost compensated for being in Houston, but not quite. I reached mandatory retirement age at the University of Geneva in 2012, and Linda hit the same wall at Oracle's European-Middle East office a year before. I now have an unpaid position at the University of Oregon, where I am living the dream of a Permanent Sabbatical Leave, and am engaged in publishing a huge backlog of data on Andean volcanism (central Chile). You can see me on YouTube at "Dungan in the Andes." Our son Jason (34) and his Danish wife are artists living in London, and we recently returned from one of many trips to visit them and our amazingly darling grand daughter (20 months).
I regret missing all previous reunions, but am committed to making the 50th, if I am still around. Bill Posnick is almost the only ex-Oriole with whom I have had contact over the years, and the last time was during the early 80's (late 70's?) in Texas. He was moving rather frequently to ever higher career levels in dental surgery during that era, so I have no idea where he is these days. I bet he shows up on Google.
I wish you all the best.
Dee Dee Perlman
Posted on the 2013-04-01 at 20:00
PETER HAGEN SUFFERS STROKE   Dear classmates, Peter had a blood clot that moved to his brain causing a stroke that affected the left side of his body.  He would love to hear from classmates during his undetermined length of stay @ Courage Center.  Contact info is: cell 612/619.4811  email =  Courage Center  3925 Golden Valley Rd., room 2  Golden Valley, MN 55422.  Week days therapy lasts until about 4pm daily; week ends 10:30 - 11:30 & 2-3pm
Feel free to contact me for additional info [if I have any]; 800-444-5535 or my cell 952/210.4443
Ron Hall
Posted on the 2012-11-25 at 19:00
Hello 1965 Classmates! Just stopping by to wish you all a Blessed, Safe and Happy Thankgiving holiday.

Ron Hall
Nancy Brown Mark
Posted on the 2012-08-21 at 20:00
 My husaband Rick and I have been married for 41 year.  We have 2 boys 38 and 35. Jesse is an investment banker and lives in NYC with his wife and 3 children.  Ethan is a lawyer and lives in MSP with his wife and 2 children. Needless to say our children have made us very happy and we are fortunate to visit our children often.  We have a place in Minneapolis and also have a home in Sea Pines which is in Hilton Head SC. Not only is it a playground for adults but it is a great place for family and friends.  Never having been athletic I have had fun playing tennis and even going to SC State Tennis Tournaments.Have a fun renunion..
terje (terry) hausken
Posted on the 2012-07-29 at 20:00
ZHi friends!
I\'m sorry that Barb(Bucka) will not be able to attend this party - but, we are celebrating a grandson\'s birthday!  I would love to hear from you.  Thanks to Linda for making so many contacts, and making this event possible.  We still live in Pine Island, MN, and I don\'t have enough sense to retire, but I am still serving  as pastor of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America.  Greetings to everybody!
Terje (Terry) and Barb (nee Bucka) Hausken
Greg Tillman
Posted on the 2012-07-25 at 20:00
It will be good to see all of you from the class of 65.  I attended a gathering at the Park Tavern after 40 years. 
Mark L Rosen
Posted on the 2011-11-13 at 19:00
Hi Everyone!

I can\'t wait for our Class of \'65 next reunion that is going to be held... aka "Birthday Bash 65" for those of us 65 years old and coincidently from the Class of 65!

Well, I finally did it. I retired from the film entertainment industry. I spent 41 very lucky snd fabulous years assembling, packaging and producing feature films, documentaries for PBS and, live concerts and a couple TV shows that lasted a nano-second :-).

If you are interested in a brief synopsis of what I did in the film industry for those 41 years here it is:

I am so lucky, I am an Academy Award winning producer for a film that I produced called Who Are The DeBolts and Where Did They Get Nineteen Children. We won the Academy Award for Best Documentary in 1979.

I began my film career in Los Angeles as a theatrical film buyer for Mann Theaters, overseeing the booking of films into literally the world\'s most famous theater Grauman\'s Chinese Theater.

Through the years I was very lucky to have worked with some of the incredibly best personally and talented people in the film industry.

From my first job at Mann Theaters, I then ventured into producing films and concerts working for many different film companies that included American International Pictures, Bryanston Films, Group One International, Cannon Films, Powerhouse Films and many others, where I was responsible for the worldwide production or distribution of our films with the companies I was working for that were located in Hollywood, CA, New York City, NY, London, England, Florence, Italy, Cannes, France and Tokyo, Japan.

Because I traveled so much doing what I did, my film friends gave me a nickname known as "Travelin\' Rose".

I got very lucky in 1997 and was the second person in film history worldwide to release a film on a new frontier called DVD, the new frontier for mass consumption as they called it.

I was asked in an interview recently what I enjoyed the most during my 41 years in the entertainment industry. I said that I was extremely proud of The Wall That Heals that I produced in 1997.

It is about the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, our country\'s most treasured and actually the most visited monument in Washington, DC.

The Wall That Heals tells the amazing story of how "The Wall" has helped to heal millions of Americans.

I think I actually spent more time in hotels all around the world than in my various residences due to my film producing activities. I was always out and about doing what I did professionally.

I once lived in Venice Beach, CA right on the beach called Ocean Front Walk. It was the best! What a crazy cast of characters that were always passing by my front door and yard at my house on Ocean Front Walk. I still to this day laugh about some of those characters I met.

Have fun! Smile and laugh each day! Be well!

Enjoy Life.... ONE DAY AT A TIME!!!!!

Looking forward to our next get together.

By the way, I forgot to mention that I am back in Minnesota living in Hopkins. My eMail address is and my phone number is (612) 867-2560 if you ever want to get in touch with me.

With fond memories of our Class of \'65. One of the best times in our lives!

Mark.... aka "Travelin\' Rose"
Mark L Rosen
Posted on the 2011-03-25 at 20:00
Hi Everyone!

Well, I finally did it. I retired from the film entertainment industry. I spent fortyone fabulous years assebling, packaging and producting feature films, documentaries for the theaters as well as PBS, live concerts and a couple TV shows that lasted a nano-secong.

I lived all over Los Angeles County from Beverly Hills, to Malibu, to Santa Monica and directly on Venice Beach.

Venice Beach was the best! What a crazy cast of characters that were always passing by the front door and my yard at my house on Ocean Front Walk in Venice.

If you are interested in what I actually did for those many years, go to . When you get to the home page at the top enter "Mark L Rosen" and click on "People" for the search engine.

My name will come up. Click on it and it will give you a brief biography and overview of what I did over the 41 years.

Have fun! Smile and laugh each day! Be well! Enjoy Life.... ONE DAY AT A TIME!!!!!

Looking forward to the next get together.

By the way, I forgot to mention that I am back in Minnesota living in Hopkins. My eMail address is and my phone number is (612) 867-2560 if you want to get in touch with me.

With fond memories of our Class of \'65. One of the best times in our lives!

Mark.... aka  "Travelin\' Rose" by my film friends.
Kathy Femrite Douglas
Posted on the 2011-03-22 at 20:00
The website is fantastic!! I look forward to the 65 bash...the Park Tavern is always nice and a good way to visit. Wish the del on Lake Street was still there...hmmm pastrami on rye, oh my.
Ron Morss
Posted on the 2011-01-15 at 19:00
I was at the Park Taveren for the last reunion.  It was interesting and fun to visit with so many of my classmates of 1965.  I recently retired from teaching (District 196; Apple Valley rosemount) after 33 years.  I also pulled the plug about five years ago from the USAR (27 years).  It has been fun, but I want to travel and spend some fun time with my first wife, Joan skog.
R. Morss
Suzanne Story
Posted on the 2010-09-15 at 20:00
Nice reunion.. Good job on the Website.  Hi to Linda Steele. I knew some of you and thought I would take a peek.  Going to my husband\'s class of \'65 reunion in Worthington tomorrow.  Cheers.
Suzanne..\'65 Cake eater!!
Elliot Herstein
Posted on the 2010-09-07 at 20:00
Great job on the 45th reunion
Curt Almquist
Posted on the 2010-09-07 at 20:00
I went to the PT on the 27th and saw quite a few classmates. Nice experience. Looking forward to attending the 50th. Hope to hear from you.
cindy pratt
Posted on the 2010-09-07 at 20:00
I got back to Calif last night after spending 2 wonderful weeks in Minnesota.  I can\'t quite express the emotions of our class reunion.  Just an awesome time!!!!  Thank you to everyone on the committee!!!  LOVE to all my "classmates"!  Hope to see you for our 65th birthday.
Ron Peterson
Posted on the 2010-08-30 at 20:00


Thanks to the committee for all their hard work, the nametags for Saturday night were great!  Hope to see more of our classmates in 2015.
Robert Holt
Posted on the 2010-08-28 at 20:00
 Hello STLP \'65ers - wish I were there with you, have a few margaritas on me - I will too.   It was sad to hear of the passing of another one of our classmates, Anna - I agree, she was an elegant and beautiful lady. Gods peace be with you all,BobbyJoe 206-307-3059PS: Nuper, she\'s still an 11 
Ron Hall
Posted on the 2010-08-26 at 20:00
Sorry I will not be able to attend the 45th reunion. Have fun everyone! Thanks to all who organized the reunion. I hope to make it to the 50th.
mark cohen
Posted on the 2010-08-26 at 20:00
 hey kids   sorry i won\'t make it home for the 45th...sure hope you all celebrate for me...will be there for our 50th for sure...take care and be well xo mark
bob maanum
Posted on the 2010-08-04 at 20:00

what a great website. i did\'nt know george was that smart, i knew linda was, but george!
anyway i got on the site for the first time last night about 9 pm and did\'nt get off till 2 am( to many big words)  but it was a wonderful trip down memory lane. thanks for finding me. bob

Owen Husney
Posted on the 2010-08-01 at 20:00
Something is very wrong.  How is it possible to be 39 years old and having your 45th reunion?  Someone please check with the school records keeping department ASAP.

Great job on the website!
Vicky McDonald Fodor
Posted on the 2010-07-30 at 20:00
I am sorry to report that the obituary of our classmate Anna Geyer Heinrich is in the St Paul Pioneer Press (and was published today. She died Thursday, July 29, apparently of cancer. The memorial service is on August 1 at the MN Arboretum. I will remember Anna as an elegant and intelligent lady.
Sandy Blue Tracy
Posted on the 2010-07-18 at 20:00
Hello, everyone, although I haven\'t kept in touch with very many of you.  Great website.  Sad to learn that so many have passed already.  I will probably miss the reuinion because it would be like meeting new folks again.  High school is still kind of a blur for me.  I still live nearby.  Send me an email if you remember me.
Virginia Ann Hemingson
Posted on the 2010-07-18 at 20:00
 Hi classmates.Have a good time there all of you, especially listening to the 1960\'s music that I love so much, but I will not be attending the reunion even though my sister Marianne has moved back to Minnesota from Arizona and that gives me extra incentive to attend. It would be like meeting you all for the 1st time! I am so happy for all of us who have made it this far in life. If any of you come up to western Canada, you are most welcome to visit my art gallery in Canmore,
Barbara Gray (Lillard)
Posted on the 2010-06-28 at 20:00
Hi all! Wow! This is a great website! Thank you! 
Looking forward to the 45th Reunion and spending 10 glorious days in Minnesota in hot/humid August! I\'m sorry I\'m used to Port Townsend, WA weather. My son, Jeff and his daughter, Lisa (15) will be attending the Reunion with me. Jeff convinced me to attend. My Mom (83) lives in Port townsend now. She will also be on the trip with us. See you in August!
Gail Papermaster Bender Satz
Posted on the 2010-06-19 at 20:00
Yes I really do have all those last names.   I am thrilled to have memories from all of the times that are represented by them.  Papermaster brings up wonderful reminiscences of  Brookside, Humanities class, late nights studying,  domestic exchange, many friends that still are my best even though we live far apart and rarely communicate.   Looking forward to the 45th. 
Bruce Rottink
Posted on the 2010-06-12 at 20:00

Sorry, I won\'t be able to make the reunion, but thank you to the folks who are making this happen.

Last month I announced my retirement (on 09/01/10) from Standard Insurance where I have been the lead programmer for the Disability Claims Management System for the last 12 years.  Approx 90% of Standard\'s income each year is from their Group Disability Insurance.  I will spend most of July and August teaching contractors for India (yes, my job is being off-shored) as much as I can about the system.

Big retirement plans include ramping up my involvement with Toastmasters, serving as a guide at the Portland Arboretum (my first degree was in forestry) & spending more time with our friend\'s 3-1/2 year old twin girls.  We have been helping them on a weekly basis since the twins were 4 days old.  A very important part of my life.

I hope things are going well for all of you.  Enjoy!

Neil Libson
Posted on the 2010-05-31 at 20:00
Hello to anyone that can remember me.  I only attended Park HIGH for my senior year.  Nice memories.

john and cindy (gosselin) sargeant
Posted on the 2010-05-29 at 20:00
hi to all

Sarge and i will be in the area for a wedding that weekend.  We will try to stop by the Park Tavern on Fri night to visit and share memories we can recollect.

john and cindy sargeant
Judith Chazen Green
Posted on the 2010-05-26 at 20:00
I am so looking forward to going to this reunion.  It has been fifteen years since I went to the last one. Now that I have retired from teaching I can do whatever I want when I want to do it.  I plan on looking through my old Echowan just to  try to refresh my memory.  I don\'t know if anyone will recognize  me as I have changed the color of my hair to blend in with the California sunlight.
Linda Christensen
Posted on the 2010-05-23 at 20:00
 Linda Christensen
Janet Ehrenberg Reed
Posted on the 2010-05-17 at 20:00
 Have missed the last few reunions and, sadly, missed the 60th birthday party.  Can hardly believe we\'re all 60 - no wait, we\'re older than 60 now!  I\'m looking forward to the reunion wondering if, after all these years, I\'ll recognize those I walked the halls with.  Or will you recognize me???  So many wonderful memories!   
Kent Robbins
Posted on the 2010-05-16 at 20:00
Great job on developing our website!  Thanks to George Kohan and Linda Steele.
Linda Neyers Butler
Posted on the 2010-05-16 at 20:00
Hi Everyone! I will be moving to northern MN from southern MN in June. But my nephew has a wedding on the day of the reunion so unfortunately I won\'t be able to attend. Wish I could see everyone. It sounds like fun! Thank you to the organizers.
Sandy (Snider) Larson
Posted on the 2010-05-16 at 20:00
Unable to attend once again do to traveling to Long Island to visit my son and his new wife.  Update: lost my husband July 5, 2009 so things have been hard to adjust to but my son has helped me alot.  I hope everyone who attends has a great time...someone have a beer for me.
Bob Stein
Posted on the 2010-05-16 at 20:00
Hey Orioles!  Great website and photos - thanks to all who made that happen.  I am disappointed not to be able to make the 45th this summer, but look forward to seeing folks at future reunions.
   The pix brought smiles and the list of departed sadness.  Easy to recall walking the halls together and amazing it was so long ago.  Happiness and good health to all.
mike martin
Posted on the 2010-03-16 at 20:00
To George Kohan, what do you know about website design? as I recall you couldn\'t master a mechanical pencil. Good work Georgie, you\'ve come a long way and it is a nice site
Jay Hoffman
Posted on the 2010-03-16 at 20:00
Nice job on creating this web site.  Looking forward to reunion 45, hard to believe.
Mark L Rosen
Posted on the 2010-02-20 at 19:00
What a fabulous website! A piece of art and hours of planning. Just fantastic. Thank you.

Mark L Rosen
Cindy Pratt
Posted on the 2010-02-11 at 19:00
Ditto!!  Thanks, Linda, for getting this up and running!
George kohan
Posted on the 2010-02-11 at 19:00
The new website is still a work in progress.  If anyone has some suggetions for style or content, please let me know.  There will be a new RSVP being set up as soon as the committee has some more detials for me to post.

Sue Lundin Frantz
Posted on the 2010-02-10 at 19:00
What a wonderful website you have created for all of us "65 St. Louis Parkites.  Thank you Linda Steele Harrier!!!!!!
George Kohan
Posted on the 2010-02-07 at 19:00

Plans are under way for the 45th class reunion this summer.

Virginia Ann Hemingson
Posted on the 2010-02-03 at 19:00
I took a visit to St. Louis Park High School on google earth. It was as I remembered it. Tried to find my house on Sumter Avenue but how things changed after more than 40 years!
Bev Lake
Posted on the 2009-09-12 at 20:00
I just found this site.  How do I sign up for info on coming reunions?  So far I havn't been to any. 
Cindy Pratt
Posted on the 2009-08-24 at 20:00
Well, it is State Fair time again.  After missing it last year I am looking forward to it.  I will be at the Bison booth on Thursday, Sept. 3 and Sunday, Sept. 6.  If you are going to be there come by and say "hi".  Planning to be at Bunny's in SLP on Saturday evening 8/29.  Looking forward to being in Minnesota for much needed relaxation!!
David Elan Peterson
Posted on the 2008-02-08 at 19:00
Hello everyone,

I talked with Rollie and checked out the website of
the class of 65! Great job. 
I would have graduated in the class of 64, however my twin brother Jimmy Peterson and I moved to Phoenix in the summer of 62. 
Hi Mary lou, loved the photo's of you and Rollie. I hope you're doing well.

Best Regards
David Elan Peterson
Rollie Troup
Posted on the 2008-02-08 at 19:00
I have an addition to the Guest Book entry below.  For those of you who might remember Jimmy and David Peterson, Jimmy passed away a number of years ago.  David lives in LA and can be reached at  He also has an interesting website  He's had quite an interesting career!
Cynthia Pratt
Posted on the 2008-01-21 at 19:00
Over the years many have asked me about Matt Solovskoy.  Matthew passed away Saturday Jan. 19,2008 from lung cancer.  He left Minnesota over 30 years ago and lived in Texas, Florida and So. Carolina where he died .   He is survived by his current wife Dorothy.  He had a son David before we were married.  We had 3 children together, Joshua, Jacob and Bethany.  May he finally be at peace.
Steve Hickey
Posted on the 2007-09-23 at 20:00
This morning (Sep 20) I received an email fromm Rollie. What a surprise (dated July 4)! Maybe I can make the 2010 reunion. Currently living in Michigan. Hi to all!
Cynthia Pratt
Posted on the 2007-07-16 at 20:00
Hard to believe another year has gone by.......... I am planning to be at the "birthday bash" at the PT. I will be at the Bison Booth at the State Fair again this year on Thursday the 30th, in the evening, and Sunday the 2nd. If anyone wants to reach me my cell # is 760-567-7823. Looking forward to seeing all!!!
Steve [DeeDee] Perlman
Posted on the 2007-07-12 at 20:00
just going thru the guestbook messages in planning to attend the 8/25/07 party. Took this opportunity to post my own message so friends & acquaintences could reach me if they desire to connect. email is posted or 800.444.5535
Mike Dungan
Posted on the 2007-06-12 at 20:00
Dear former classmates: I had been hoping to attend the 40th but I found out about it too late to rearrange my schedule and come all the way from Geneva, Switzerland. We have been here since 1993, when we decided that 19 years in Texas were more than any Minnesotan should have to endure. It was particularly difficult to leave Seattle in 1974 (grad school) even if that meant working on lunar samples at the Johnson Space Center. Moving to Dallas to take a position at SMU seemed like an improvement, but I must say that Europe kicks Texas´ ass any day. It hurts to see so many names that I remember well and with whom I had some sort of history, and I wish that I could make it to the party in August. If any of you want to chat electronically, I would welcome contact. All the best.
Janet Korbel Brotherton
Posted on the 2006-10-08 at 20:00
I would love to hear from old friends. Please write and catch up on old times. 1518 Craleigh Street. North Port, Fla. 34288. I'll be so happy to hear from you.
Cynthia Pratt
Posted on the 2006-10-01 at 20:00
"Hi" to all ! A special "thank you" to those of you who showed up at the PT. It was nice to see everyone. I enjoyed my cheeseburger and beer, thanks Ellen and Dana. Hope to see you next year.
Kathy Femrite Douglas
Posted on the 2006-08-28 at 20:00
I'll miss Cindi's reunion (and the cheeseburger!), but will be in Hopkins at mother's September 24-30. Then it's back to Alabama. Nancy Scholtec - please email me back and tell me we can get together!
Cindy Pratt
Posted on the 2006-08-25 at 20:00
I know I am not the only one to return to this site in the year since our reunion. I find it hard to believe it has been one year! I will be back in Minn for the State Fair, at the Bison Booth, on Sunday and Monday(Sept.3 & 4) I am hoping to get to SLP for my traditional cheeseburger and beer at the Park Tavern(Thurs. 9/7) anyone care to join me?? I will be staying at my sister's in Pine City, come on up and see the buffalo roam. My cell number is 760-567-7823 if interested in giving me a call.
Cindy Pratt
Posted on the 2005-09-10 at 20:00
I arrived home last night after spending two additional weeks in Minnesota. Gee, I really do love Minnesota. We "grew up" in an awesome place! The entire reunion, all 4 events, were super!! It was wonderful seeing "old" friends and meeting new ones. If anyone wants to keep in touch, I am as close as your email; Thanks again for all those involved with the planning of this reunion. I look forward to the next one......
Barb Olson Griffiths
Posted on the 2005-08-31 at 20:00
What great memories! It was so much fun to reconnect with everyone and thanks again to the committee for making the reunion a great success. It was so much fun coming back to Texas and sharing these memories with my daughters. It evoked so many "growing up Minnesota" memories in all of us. Since my grandchildren were all born in the south and southwest, their eyes were wide at some of the stories they heard from us. What an experience. Hope to see everyone again in 5 years
Mark Rettig
Posted on the 2005-08-31 at 20:00
Wow, I'm still on a natural HIGH from the 40th class reunion. Once again I am sending my sincere thanks to the committee for a job VERY WELL DONE!!!! In digging through some things my wife and I came upon my Orioles coffee cup from June 9, 1965. Also the complete class list, class commencement seating arrangement, commencement program, senior breakfast program, class rules and the all night party program. If any committee member in the future wants copies of these items for future class reunions I would be happy to accommodate. God willing I will see you all in 2010!!!!!!
Kathy Femrite (Douglas)
Posted on the 2005-08-29 at 20:00
Here I am back at work after a FANTASTIC reunion! It was so good to see so many of yaou and to think I actually knew you! Ha! Thanks to the Committee and I'm already looking forward to emailing lots of you (have some good pictures) and seeing you all (oops, that's Alabama talk) in 2010. Be well, be safe, be happy! Kathy
Sandy Peterson Price
Posted on the 2005-08-27 at 20:00
Here it is the morning after a GREAT party! I would just like to thank Rollie & all the hard working people on the reunion committee. It was really a delightful evening. I actually feel sorry for everybody that was not able to be there (and, for myself for not being there for the past 30 years!) This is only my second reunion, and it made merealize that I absolutely love this stage of my life. Isn't it wonderful to be able to just be ourselves? One of my favorite sayings is: "Until I was 20, I worried about what everybody thought of me. Until I was 40, I didn't care what anybody thought of me. But, when I reached 50, I realized people don't just sit around thinking about me!!!" It's really appropriate here, because I'm now able to appreciate everybody for who they really are, instead of all the pretense that we put ourselves through in our younger years! Sorry, I think I'm rambling (another thing I find myself doing these days!). Anyway, thanks for all the hard work. And, for the great door prize. It was so wonderful to see everyone. Love & Kisses to all, Sandy
Jay Hoffman
Posted on the 2005-08-26 at 20:00
Thanks everyone for making the 40th Reunion terrific. Looking forward to more good times!!
Posted on the 2005-08-25 at 20:00
The reunion weekend got off to a nice start at the Park Tavern last night. Many thanks to Gary Anderson and Billy Jacobsen.
Cindy Pratt
Posted on the 2005-08-22 at 20:00
Hard to believe I first signed this "Guest Book" 6 months ago. I have had a great time coming back to this website and reading about all of you and of course the events associated with this reunion. I will be spending 2 weeks in Minn. with my sister and her husband in Pine City. They raise buffalo for a "hobby". If you get to the State Fair on Fri. Sept.2 or Sunday Sept. 4, look for me at the Bison Booth from 3-9pm. Or, if you would like to spend a day in the country watching the buffalo roam, just give me a call; cell # 760-567-7823. Once again, a big "thanks" to Rollie for this teriffic website! See you in a couple days.
Bruce and Ann (Barnes) Smith
Posted on the 2005-08-22 at 20:00
Hi Everyone, Unfortunately, it turns out Bruce and I can't attend the reunion. Instead we'll be in Tokyo, Japan for meetings with All Nippon Airways. We'll miss the wonderful events that the committee has worked so hard to plan and miss all of the classmates who will be there. After years of returning from far away places like New York and Texas, we'll probably be known as the alums that are the farthest away from St. Louis Park that weekend. Our thank you to all who worked on the reunion committee. Our best regards to all, Bruce and Ann (Barnes) Smith
Tom Holland
Posted on the 2005-08-21 at 20:00
I'd like to share my personal photos with anyone who went on the '63 class trip to Gettysburg & Washington and the '64 class trip to Philly & NYC. These slides were found recently altho a few didn't make it thru time and bad weather. The surviving slides have been scanned and digitized Contact me so I can burn a CD for you. Tom Holland E-mail: -or- Telephone: 516.334.4941 home 516.659.2935 cell
Virginia Hemingson (Ginny)
Posted on the 2005-08-19 at 20:00
Hello everyone, how time flies!!! I left St. Louis Park in 1965 to study Art at the Banff School of Fine Arts and fell in love with the Canadian Rockies and never looked back! I'm still here in the mountains during the summer and spend winters in Mexico. I love the sixties rock & roll music and still love to dance...salsa anyone??!! Thanks to the reunion team and invitation but I will not be attending but thinking of old friends and happy times. Life is great!!
Nooper Dachis
Posted on the 2005-08-18 at 20:00
I really can't wait to see everyone that is coming. Elaine and I live in Scottsdale now and only visit Minny a couple of times a year. We are both very excited to see all of our old friends. Our children have made us grandparents 4 times and they are all gorgeous. See you on Friday. Call me if you want at my office at 480-483-7253. It is easiest to contact me there.
Elaine Bachrach Dachis
Posted on the 2005-08-18 at 20:00
I can’t believe that 5 years have pasted since our last reunion. It was a reunion I will never forget! Nooper and I will be returning 5 years later as husband and wife. We love living in Arizona and have adjusted to the warm winter weather. We are looking forward to seeing everyone. See you soon.
David Shapley
Posted on the 2005-08-07 at 20:00
Fourty years does go by fast. Just a short note about me, I completed 34 years in education and retired from the Hopkins School District in December/2003. I have since moved to the Milwaukee area to start a second run at education as superintendent of the West Bend School District (19th largest dist. in WI). I live in Jackson, Wisconsin. I look forward to greating and speaking with you all.
Kathy McCulloch Sandstrom
Posted on the 2005-08-04 at 20:00
40 years have gone, I recently reviewed my year book once again, fun to read. I am so blessed...married to Mr. Wonderful (even if he is from Robbinsdale HS '65) 34 years, have raised four beautiful daughters, now have four of the best son-in-laws, and am enjoying five wonderful grandchildren - how can it get better than this? It's interesting to read this web site and see where everyone is now. I still keep in touch with some classmates, and think of many of you even after all this time. I'm still in Minnesnowda!
Posted on the 2005-08-01 at 20:00
Hi, Class of 65: Hope to see all of you at what is going to be a great reunion. Special thanks to Rollie and Committee......... I have been hiding out in San Mateo, CA. Next to San Francisco in the Bay Area. I own and run numerous mortgage companies. See You Soon
Bonnie Sell
Posted on the 2005-07-23 at 20:00
It's really hard to believe that we graduated 40 years ago. The years have really flown by. I remember being told that as you get older the years go by faster. I never understood that and still don't, but it's true! It has been fun working on the reunion committee. We're all really looking forward to the reunion. It's only a month away, so if you haven't registered yet, now is the time. Rollie Troup is the chairperson and she's put in many hours to make sure this will be a big success. She has maintained this website which has been a huge job. I'm sure I'm one of the few classmates that can say that I've always lived in St. Louis Park. I'll bet there are not too many of us. I'm looking to seeing everyone on August 26.
Kathy (Femrite) Douglas
Posted on the 2005-07-14 at 20:00
Looking forward to renewing old acquaintances and seeing new (old) faces! Have lived in Iowa, then PA, and now Alabama since 1990. We love it - so glad we don't live on the coast, although beautiful!! See y'all in August!
Mimi Kronick Fisher
Posted on the 2005-07-14 at 20:00
Thanks to Rollie for all the work she is doing to make this event special...she has put her heart and soul into it!! Looking forward to seeing everyone at the reunion!!
Nancy Johnson
Posted on the 2005-07-14 at 20:00
Yikes! This website has been live so long, I've changed jobs and e-mail addresses. At this point in life it's good just to have our minds, most of our body parts, and a lust for life. Looking forward to re-establishing connections, hearing those incomprehensible song lyrics of the '60s, and raising some cold beers with dear friends! A big thanks to everyone working hard on the reunion.
Judy Hoglund
Posted on the 2005-07-12 at 20:00
This is a great website! I have checked the guest book several times. I won't be at the reunion, but am looking forward to getting the memory book.
Terry Fitzgerald
Posted on the 2005-07-11 at 20:00
The Ten Norwegian Commandments in Minnesota 1. Der's only one God, ya know. 2. Don't make that fish on your mantle an idol. 3. Cussing ain't Minnesota nice. 4. Go to church even when you're down south. 5. Honor your folks. 6. Don't kill. Catch and release. 7. There is only one Lena for every Ole. No cheatin'. 8. If it ain't your lutefisk, don't take it. 9. Don't be braggin' about how much snow ya shoveled. 10. Keep your mind off your neighbor's hotdish. Who's throwing that lefsa party? Wait a minute, I'm not Norwegian, I'm Irish. Who's got the Guinness? Slainte Fitz
Rollie Troup
Posted on the 2005-07-03 at 20:00
OH MY!!!! Over 1500 hits on this webite -- I know a few who have probably been on about 50 times each, but that still leaves a lot of interest. We hope to be able to keep this site going indefinitely and will be posting Reunion pics for all to see. Please keep your reservations coming, the attendees list is growing daily. And sadly, I've had to add to the "In Memoriam" list too. I've had a great time doing this and look forward to a super reunion. We have some good "stuff" plannned.
Rob Holt
Posted on the 2005-07-03 at 20:00
Hello from West Seattle, (29yrs) - Thank you Rollie and your Troupers for putting this reunion together, lots of works has gone into this setting up this "Event of the year. OK George Winston at the orchestra hall was pretty cool too. See ya'll next month at the golf club, I'm bringing my clubs and will arrive the 12th for nephew Joe's wedding - anybody for 18, Cracker? Call me 206-851-9937 cell Nooper, good going gang boy - she's a 10! Happy Birthday America!
john skalet
Posted on the 2005-06-29 at 20:00
Once again, i'm really looking forward to seeing everyone and sharing old times, very old times. i live in Denver and have for about 35 years now but visit my mother often (age 93) who lives in Minnetonka.
Susan Walman Engelbert
Posted on the 2005-06-27 at 20:00
Thank you for such a great website and all the great organization from the committee. Sorry, I will be unable to attend. My husband and I will be leaving for Italy the end of August. I still live in Vancouver, B. C. Please call and visit if in the area. I am enjoying life . I recently retired from health teaching. I thought my golf handicap would improve but more practice doesn't seem to help. Have a wonderful reunion.
Sue Knudson Dosal
Posted on the 2005-06-27 at 20:00
Hi all, Some people can't come home, but some of us can't quite leave. After living in Denver twice and Florida, I returned and now live in the house across the street from where I grew up. SLP is still a great place to live. I've been looking through the year book to bone up for the reunion. The last several have been very fun so this 40th should be the best. See you then....
marilyn (karatz) krause
Posted on the 2005-06-20 at 20:00
hi all, i'm unable to attend the reunion but will think of you all that night and look forward to getting to the next one. i mostly go by the name spruce (life is interesting). I live in minneapolis and part of the time on 40 gorgeous acres with my life partner paul ( a different paul than high school/former husband paul). i do healing work for a living and love it. i also create visual art in my attic studio and dance -- contra, interplay, any kind of dance. would love to hear from people. have a fun event.
Judi Chazen Green
Posted on the 2005-06-19 at 20:00
I teach at a year-round school in Los Angeles. Therefore. I won't be able to attend the 40th reunion. However, I think the website is great. Hello to anyone who still remembers me from Park High. I have lived in California since 1968. I left Minnesota on the coldest day that I can remember in January 1968. I finished my education at San Diego State. Then I became a teacher and have been teaching in LAUSD for more years than I can remember. I am very lucky that I love what I do..It is not a glamorous profession but it is certainly very gratifying.
Judy Mortenson Lawson
Posted on the 2005-06-19 at 20:00
Greetings to you from Wenatchee, Washington! I have lived in Wenatchee for 28 years. Wenatchee is on the East side of the Cascade Mountain range with 300 days of sunshine. (I know you thought all of Washington rains!) I have returned for my "Minnesota fix" often over the last 40 years but unfortunately, I will not be attending the reunion. Thank you for the amazing website that's been created for the class of 1965!!
Walt Huestis
Posted on the 2005-06-15 at 20:00
I too am looking forward to attending the reunion. Seems like the past 40 years have flown by. So much to tell...and so little space. To wet your appetite - Mu guidenance counselor, bless his heart, suggested that with my academic record at Park I attend a trade school and maybe make furniture for a living. So off I went after graduation with his sagely advice and 1. Graduated from Mankaot in 1970, 2. Joined the Navy as a pilot and retired from the service in 1992, and 3. Am just now retiring from being the Director of Aviation for Tenet Healthcare where I have worked since my Navy retirement. Those counselors passed out some pretty good information didn't they! Any way, I'm in good health and looking forward to seeing all my other classmates. By the Way, Bruce Peters was my neighbor in SLP and I had no idea he had passed away. If anyone has any further information please let me know, i.e. is his mother still alive and living in SLP. See ya'll on the 26th of August.
Marit Fredheim
Posted on the 2005-06-06 at 20:00
Internet has certainly made the world a lot smaller! My foreign exchange year really meant a lot to me. I've encouraged my kids to do the same, and three of them have had similar experiences and loved it. I live with my husband in a small town in the Oslo area, so please contact me if you come to Norway. Sorry I can't join you at the reunion, but my vacation will be in July this year, and I'm truly looking forward to spending two weeks in the US. It'll be my husband's first time there! Have a good time and please let me know how it goes. I'll be with you in 2015!
Linda (Hartman) Rozen
Posted on the 2005-05-26 at 20:00
I am looking forward to attending the reunion. My most life changing event has been being in recovery from Parkinson's disease. I was dx'ed in 1993. For 10 yrs I refused to take the meds that have horrible side effects. Instead, I started having yin tui na treatments weekly in Oct 2003 and have progressively improved. In my journey I have learned a lot about meds and the medical system. I have learned about true healing from everyone at the PDrecovery team in Santa Cruz, CA and my local acupuncturist in IL. But I have learned the most from the people who have gone before me and are now fully recovered. Those people had no blueprint, no light at the end of the tunnel. I am so greatful to them.
Deb (Gelhar) Berg
Posted on the 2005-05-23 at 20:00
What a great reunion site you have created! It has been fun going through it, stirring up memories, "trying" to reminisce (hard to remember THAT FAR BACK!!) Living in MN most of my adult life, I've often been back to SLP just to connect with my youth and to see how things keep changing! Marit Fredheim (the foreign exchange student our senior year, and my "sister" for the year) was back a few years ago, and we visited the high school. We checked in to the office and visited with staff there...and found out that one of the secretaries there is living IN THE HOUSE WHERE I WAS BORN AND RAISED!!! Small world! (In fact, Marit will be here this summer...but not in August.) It will be fun attending the reunion to meet and greet old friends...and make new ones!
Bruce Chesin
Posted on the 2005-05-08 at 20:00
Sorry, I won't be able to attend the reunion. I will be working our stand "Chicago Dogs" at the Minnesota State Fair. We are located in The Gardens, located on Dan Patch and Underwood. We serve Chicago Style Hot Dogs, other sandwiches, soda and Beer. Stop by and see me.
Barbara (Lillard) Gray
Posted on the 2005-03-26 at 19:00
Hello from Port Townsend, Washington! I won't be able to attend the Reunion but I do look forward to seeing the Memory Book. Have a great time and take lots of pictures! Barbara
Patty Heuckendorf Zapp.
Posted on the 2005-03-25 at 19:00
HI, "FELLOW PARKITES!!!!" I guess that, TECHNICALLY, I really don't have the RIGHT to sign this book, since our FAMILY'S MOVE prevented me from GRADUATING with what I will ALWAYS CONSIDER to be "MY CLASS," in my HEART!!!! However, I just wanted to take this OPPORTUNITY to say, "HI!," to all of you, & to tell you how WONDERFUL I think it IS that you are getting TOGETHER for a REUNION, after an UNBELIEVABLE 40 YEARS since our GRADUATION!!!! :-) If you are going to SELL PICS of the REUNION & a CLASS DIRECTORY, PLEASE let me KNOW so I can find OUT HOW to GET them!!!! THANK YOU!!!! I HOPE that YOU are ALL WELL & HAPPY!!!! Take CARE, SMILE, HAPPY EASTER, & may GOD BLESS YOU & YOURS REAL GOOD!!!!
Sandy (Snider) Larson
Posted on the 2005-03-24 at 19:00
Unfortunately the reuion falls on my 37th wedding anniversary and we have a wedding out of town so I won't be able to attend but I hope everyone has a great time and I hope to see alot of pictures in the Memory Book
Rollie Troup
Posted on the 2005-03-08 at 19:00
Hello everyone. On behalf of the Reunion Committee thanks to all who have accessed this website. Over 300 hits so far! Please continue to look at "Help Us Find" because the list has grown. Also, please look at our new "Hotel" page with information on our group rate at the Sheraton West Hotel near Ridgedale. For those State Fair lovers, you can walk from the Sheraton to the Ridgedale parking lot and hop on a "State Fair" bus. Please also look at "Details of Events" as we have added a breakfast/brunch at the Sheraton. We will try to keep the price around $10 and as time goes by will need an idea of how many are interested. Please don't be afraid to sign the "Guest Book." I promise you'll hear from old friends. Looking forward to seeing everyone in August.
Warren Witt
Posted on the 2005-03-06 at 19:00
As time goes on, these reunions become more and more meaningful to me. I cannot wait to get back and see my fellow students from the great class of '65. Forty years should seem like a long time, but it doesn't. See you soon!!!
Margaret (Johnson) Manzo
Posted on the 2005-03-02 at 19:00
Hi Gang, 40 years is a frightful number. I can't remember back that far. I have lived in the Chicago Area (Lake Forest now) for most of my adult life but I go back to Minnesota to visit family. I'm thinking about coming to the reunion but for me it would be like meeting all new people since I haven't kept in touch at all. Thanks to those who worked on this website and who are planing the reunion. Margaret
Ellen (Litman) Latzer
Posted on the 2005-02-25 at 19:00
Hi from Los Angeles, where I have lived for 31 years. Am really looking forward to our 40th. Have only been to Mpls 3 times since I left for L.A., but am happy to come in for this event. There are so many people I am excited to see (you know who you are : ) Anyone else in Los Angeles?
Bob Stein
Posted on the 2005-02-24 at 19:00
I'm looking forward to seeing the Gang at the reunion, too. Very fun seeing the guys last fall at the reunion of the '64 football team. BIG REQUEST- If anyone has, or knows how to get, a Class of '65 Yearbook, it would be a great favor, I lost mine and would love to replace it. Maybe a married Oriole couple who have 2? Thanks, Bob
Cindy Pratt
Posted on the 2005-02-24 at 19:00
I am still living in the So. Calif desert area, 30 years. My parents moved from St. Louis Park just last Nov. to Alabama where my brother Jeff Nelson lives. I am looking forward to this reunion very much. WOW 40 years, I guess we all feel this way, WOW!! See you in August!!!
Patrick Gillham
Posted on the 2005-02-22 at 19:00
It's a pleasure to sign this guest book. It's my 58th birthday today, and I have to say that life has been great. It's also funny that I received the 40th reunion invite on my birthday. ( I'm surprised I lasted this long ) I live in Atlanta, GA. for those people who still live in Minnesota, I'm on my way to play some golf. I wish everyone well. See you at the reunion
Posted on the 2005-02-19 at 19:00
Looking forward to a 40 year reunion. Anyone there in the Charlotte, NC area. One good thing is the NO SNOW to put up with. Can't believe we made it this far.
Gregg Griffiths
Posted on the 2005-02-18 at 19:00
40 years..WOW! I'm too am looking forward to the get together. It'll be great seeing how many still have hair. See you there!! Gregg Griffiths
Tom Holland
Posted on the 2005-02-15 at 19:00
Hello from Long Island, New York! When I was attending StLP HS, I never dreamed that I would celebrate 40 years being outta there, let alone making it to age 58!!! I also didn't even think of living anywhere but the Twin Cities area! I can hardly wait till August 26th and hope to see many of you there!
Ellen Gold Nelson
Posted on the 2005-02-14 at 19:00
Hi all! Greetings from Tucson Az.( Anyone from class live here)? I am very excited to see all of you at our 40 yr. reunion! We were adults forty years ago? Strange! My life is really great! Can't help remembering some really great times back then as well! . Anyone know where BooBoo is? Special classmates, Diane C., Gerry C., Bonnie C., Marrilllyn, Johnny S., Stanley G., Steve G., Craig L., Francie R., George, Burgers. Hope as many than can will attend the reunion. Ellen Gold Nelson
Mark Rettig
Posted on the 2005-02-11 at 19:00
It is hard to believe that it has been almost 40 years since graduation. How time flies when we are having fun! I am looking forward to the reunion to re-unite with classmates and to jog my memory. My thanks to the committee for the outstanding website.
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Herbert Miller
Posted on the 2022-08-10 at 20:00
I am looking for any contact information for Dick Nelson and Doug Smith. Both have common sir names so internet searchs provide dozens and dozens of responces, even with filters like Minnesota and 74-76. Went to St Louis Park HS today to get, perhaps their middle name.  They would not even give me their initial. Year book does not include middle name or initial. I did find Lenny Oslund, and we had a nice talk a couple of days ago. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Herb Miller
Rollie Troup
Posted on the 2022-07-26 at 20:00
A HUGE THANK YOU to Lund\'s and Byerly\'s St. Louis Park, Top Ten Liquors Miracle Mile, and our beloved McDonald\'s across the street from Park High for their most generous donations to our 75/57 birthday reunion weekend. Their donations helped us have a successful lovely weekend. Please make sure to support these great businesses.
mark cohen
Posted on the 2022-07-15 at 20:00
Hello to all you old timers.... I won't be coming to see y'all.   I'm still extremely sad about the passing of Steve Feldman...he was a great buddy for decades. Every time I tee it up I think of him. Probably why my game is still fairly strong. life is good here in Florida.  Still working in home furnishings and loving it. celebrating my mother's 95th this summer in Nashville and attending my niece's wedding in Hollywood Ca in September. Hope everyone stays healthy and enjoys all the "old" memories. Takecare.  Hope to attend the next reunion.  
Marilyn Langman Smith
Posted on the 2022-06-09 at 20:00
I am looking forward to seeing everyone in July at our 2022 reunion celebrating our 75/57 milestones. Thinking of being in Minneapolis during the Aquatennial brings back fond memories for me. After high school graduation and during my college summers a few years after that, I was a member of the Aquatennial "Roving Units", so many years ago. We entertained at many venues in Minnesota (not just Minneapolis) - at children's hospitals, senior care facilities, festivals, etc. spreading goodwill and fun. Now, I've kind of come full circle. Even though we are retired, for our business Community Involvement Project, my husband, Michael, and I now sponsor hired entertainment programs (where I emcee and interject a song or two) at senior care facilities to enhance the residents' musical enjoyment.
Rollie Troup
Posted on the 2022-05-01 at 20:00
It is a pleasure to be able to chair the 75/57 celebration.  We have a great weekend planned and I really hope everyone who is able will attend.  We deserve to have FUN, see old friends and trash talk those who don't come (just kidding). My friend Ellen Gold Nelson just said it best when celebrating her 75th birthday yesterday:  "It's an honor and privilege to join the quarter century club -- and it's free!" Looking forward to seeing everyone July 22 and 23.  We will definitely do The Stroll Down Memory Lane.  
Lynda Andrews Lemke
Posted on the 2021-11-19 at 19:00
Sparky Just a short note to let you know that my best friend from HS, Sue Lynch Almquist passed away Aug 19,2021, at age 74. She was married to Curt Almquist, also class of 65, who passed Sept 18,2014, at age 67. my email is cell# 952-564-5826
Posted on the 2021-05-16 at 20:00
Our Class mate, Bill Jackobson has been fighting stage four brain cancer for the last few months. His latest update from varilous doctors indicate there are no nfurther treatmentn programs that will work for him. He has been given two week to two months to live. He will be transitioning to an assisted living facility that will also provide hospice care when needed.  Bill has lost his telephone directory, yes I said directory, so is unable to contact some folks he would truly love to hear from, especially Tommy the Prez and Tim Long and others as well. He has amaziong stories to share, and exceptional recall of classroom antics, including where people sat in which class and who was seated near you.  He does not have emai, but you can call or text to talk, reminence, wish him well (952 215 2327).  Many thanks, R.  Morss  
Stephen M Graning
Posted on the 2021-04-04 at 20:00
Well, I'm back in Minnesota now. I spent about 17 years in Houston, Texas and 5 years in New Braunfels, Texas. I lost my wife of 29 Years in 2016 and moved back to Minnesota in 2017. My health isn't the greatest, so I moved in with 2 of my single boys in Cambridge, MN. I truely believe we grew up in the best of times. I have many fond memories of my growing up in the 50's & 60's. Hopefully those of us still here will hookup at the next reunion.  
David Shapley
Posted on the 2021-02-22 at 19:00
The Shapley Family is still a Swimming Family and is doing well. Son, Aaron Shapley, Cal Berkley, five time all america, has  reached the the Iron Man level. Adam swam D-1 at Mizzo and Clemsen. My wife, Cassy, is retired as as manager of US Swimming Minnesota. We are all still swimming, including two grandchildren in Austin Texas. My wife and I reside in Minnetonka, Minnesota.
Linda Anderson
Posted on the 2021-02-22 at 19:00
Sadly, one of our beloved teachers, Marcella Johnson, passed away on January 25, 2021 at the age of 100.  Marcy taught Business Education for over 25 years until her retirement. She had lived in Sun City West, AZ for many years before her death.  Marcy lived across the street from my family throughout my school years.  She and I kept up our friendship until her death. When she would visit relatives here, we would get together for lunch or dinner to catch up and share memories.  We would keep in touch on a regular basis through e-mail, letters and telephone. Every year on her birthday she would send me a photo riding her bicycle!  She was an amazing woman and a great friend! I'll never forget her and will miss her very much.
Randy Resnick
Posted on the 2021-02-21 at 19:00
News: France is behind, as most of Europe, in vaccinations. Currently 75 or older can get the shot. We're too young! This said, I'd like to shout out an unabashed soelf-promo for my recent music: 12 song album on Spotify, 5 song on Apple. LOts of singles from the past two years on all streaming sites. You can listen free to full versions of over 125 original songs here: The last live gig I played was guitar with Canned Heat in 2012.  
Herbert George Miller
Posted on the 2020-12-29 at 19:00
Just signed up to this website.
Jim Kelly
Posted on the 2020-11-22 at 19:00
Was looking at obits in Star Trib and thought about my Senior year at Park High.  Sad to see so many of our classmates that have passed.  I just want to add my name to the military list as every day has been special since.  Entered the US Army in Sept 67 and went to Vietnam in Aug 68.  Spend the year with the 2/20 Aerial Rocket Artillery and crewed & flew front seat in a Cobra Helicopter gunship with the 1st Air Cavalry.  Got out in July 1970 and got my degree at St Cloud State in 73.  Been living in Cape Coral Fl for the past 38 years.  NO Snow and I love the heat.   Best health and safety to all.  Jim Kelly  
Thomas Wilcox
Posted on the 2020-11-20 at 19:00
Just an FYI Gloria Soles obituary is in the Star Tribune today Sept. 6 th.  She passed away on August 9 th 2020. 
Jay Freedland
Posted on the 2020-09-03 at 20:00
Sorry to say Bob Wexler died late July.
George Kohan
Posted on the 2020-08-23 at 20:00
It was brought to my attention one of our classmates, Billy Jacobson, is currently going through some health issues.  He recently underwent a surgical procedure to remove a tumor from his brain and will begin further treatment very soon.  Please keep Billy in your thoughts and prayers as he goes through the process of recovery.  
Linda Zuel Weber
Posted on the 2020-06-28 at 20:00
Hi, I am Linda's husband and am responding for her.  Sadly, Linda was diagnosed Alzheimers some 4 years ago.  Luckily she has retained the sweet personality and caring manner I married.  We raised 3 wonderful daughters in solid marriages, with 2 grandchildren each.  We have been richly Blessed. We met and married in San Francisco where we started our family, moved to Denver for work and eventually to Atlanta where we our now located. We maintain links to Minnesota via her brother Tim and long time family cabin on Big Pine Lake.  We visit whenever possible.  She is at home with me now, though changes are coming. Respectfully,   Dick Weber
Alan Julin
Posted on the 2020-06-04 at 20:00
I just wanted to update my military service. I served in the Army from 1968-1970.
John Lindemann
Posted on the 2020-05-24 at 20:00
Hello All! It is Memorial Day weekend,  2020.  Hundreds of thousands of people are dying, forty million Americans are out of work and there is no baseball.  Life sucks! But here's an idea - why not read my book.  The title is UNCONDITIONAL.  A man, an infant Holocaust survivvor, developes a messiah like complex and makes it his life's work to defeat the enimies of Israel once and for all. The book is available on Amazon in either e-book or paperback.  On Amazon's front page  search box type my full name  John Webster Lindemann.  Let me know what you think.  John 
Rollie Troup
Posted on the 2020-05-17 at 20:00
What to do during a pandemic? Having Emberger Royals with Ronnie Weisman! Last Embers anywhere is in Fridley.
Gregg Griffiths
Posted on the 2020-05-17 at 20:00
Sparky, just wanted to let you know that I was in the Army from 1967 to 1970. I was a combat medic in Viet Nam from 1968-69.
Steven Hoffman
Posted on the 2020-05-17 at 20:00
Hello classmates, I reside in Murrells Inlet, South Carolina.  It is a quaint little drinking village with a fishing problem.  I look forward to attending the class reunion in 2021.  Recent news of my passing were highly exaggerated as I can assure you that I am still the radical little SOB of a libertarian activist here in South Carolina.  Politics is my raison d'etre and South Carolina is a target rich environment.  But I promise you that I will not talk politics at the convention.  As I have traveled throughout the world since I graduated from St. Louis Park, I quickly realized how lucky I was to go to a good high school that actually had a high quality educational program.  We are all blessed.  Oh ya, forgot to mention...I am a born again Christian.  Used to worry that I would be like an atheist at his own funeral; all dressed up and no place to go.
Marcie Wattson Jensen
Posted on the 2019-12-17 at 19:00
I just found out that our classmate Sandi  Bowlin Miller passed away in August. 
Randy Resnick
Posted on the 2019-10-29 at 20:00
I kown you'll be relieved to know that I am alive, in good health and still playing music. In fact, I play saxophone now, too. You can hear all my music free here: As I no longer live in the USA, Ihaven't been to a reunion. Enjoy yourselves! I can be also reached via
tommy sipkins
Posted on the 2017-11-13 at 19:00
Sadly, our classmate Steve Feldman passed away unexpectedly last week. His obituary was in Sunday's Star & Tribune, November 12, 2017. He is survived by his wife,  our classmate, Sue Berg, their children and grandchildren.
Linda F. Anderson
Posted on the 2017-11-10 at 19:00
I was able to locate a complete obituary for classmate and friend, Dave Chorzempa.  You can access it at  He was a Marine, and served his country after his deployment ended proudly.  Thank you for your service to America, Dave.  Rest in Peace.
Linda F. Anderson
Posted on the 2017-09-24 at 20:00
Classmate and friend, Mark Freidson passed away on September 16th.  His obituary is in the Sunday Tribune today, September 17th.  Rest in Peace Mark and thanks for the memories.
Linda Anderson
Posted on the 2017-09-24 at 20:00
Hi Sparky - Barbara Blettner's married name is Offord.  This is the correct spelling.  There is an obituary in 2008 for her husband.  Barbara lived in Stillwater at that time.  Sorry I can't be of more help, but perhaps with the correct spelling of her last name and her place of residence in 2008, you might have more luck tracking her obituary down.
Hal Bitzer
Posted on the 2017-08-15 at 20:00
Just checking the Vets page, add my name to that.
US Navy, 1969- 1973
Posted on the 2017-08-15 at 20:00
would like to update my military service. US Army, 1966-1968
craig wylie
Posted on the 2017-07-18 at 20:00
Please add curtis hall to your veterans list army 2 years died of agent orange. thanks
Linda F. Anderson
Posted on the 2017-06-18 at 20:00
Classmate James Probst passed away on June 14th.  His obituary is in the June 18th Sunday Star Tribune.  Rest in Peace Jim.
Linda Anderson
Posted on the 2017-06-14 at 20:00
Sadly, fellow classmate, Sanford (Sandy) Proosow passed away on November 16th.  His obituary is in the Star Tribune today (November 17th).
Linda F. Anderson
Posted on the 2017-06-14 at 20:00
Classmate Nathan Neff passed away on January 25th.   His obituary is in the Minneapolis Star Tribune.
Linda Anderson
Posted on the 2017-06-14 at 20:00
Hi Sparky ~  Classmate Nancy Lear passed away on March 29th.  Her obituary is in the Star Tribune this morning.  This is unfortunately an email notification I seem to be sending you more and more often.
Linda F. Anderson
Posted on the 2017-06-14 at 20:00
Sadly, another classmate of ours has passed away.  Steve Burke passed away on April 16th.  His obituary is in today's Star Tribune.  Rest in Peace, "Mr. Hockey"!
Mike Martin
Posted on the 2017-04-04 at 20:00
Classmates and friends, I"ll be taking one more job in Ft Myers, Fl. I know there are a number of SLP 65 grads who spend at least part of the year there. For any and all I hope you'll connect. I'll be at Floria Gulf Coast University. They'll be able to find me. Looking forward to seeing many of you! I'll asked Georgie K to post my new contact info as soon as I have it. And Georgie always comes through. Mike M  
Linda Anderson
Posted on the 2016-10-02 at 20:00
I just received news this morning that fellow classmate, William (Bill) Dahl passed away early this morning.  Bill had struggled with diabetes and its terrible side effects for many years.  He had recently been receiving dialysis three times a week for several months for kidney failure, and has also struggled with cancer, a foot amputation and congestive heart failure.  Bill and I first met at age 4 and we have remained dear friends ever since.  My heart is broken. 
Linda Anderson
Posted on the 2015-11-22 at 19:00
Classmate Ron Pfannsmith passed away recently.  His obituary is listed in the Sunday Star Tribune today.
Linda F. Anderson
Posted on the 2015-10-25 at 20:00
Beloved Coach, "Lefty" Wright passed away.  His obituary is in the Minneapolis Sunday Tribune dated October 25th.
Don and Sally Morss
Posted on the 2015-09-10 at 20:00
It was wonderful to see everyone at this 50th reunion. The committees that put this  together did a wonderful job.  Thank you to all.
Laura Carlberg
Posted on the 2015-08-31 at 20:00
Thanks to all committee members and volunteers for the best reunion ever!
Darlene (Buckett) White
Posted on the 2015-08-30 at 20:00
Hi, Everyone, I just finished taking the tour of the High School and reconnected with many old friends. I wish I were able to attend the other events, but am not. I am retired now, after having worked for over 40 years for Christian ministries, mostly for Billy Graham. Now it is volunteering, attending Twins games, and of course singing, that fills my days.  I hope you all enjoy whatever events you are able to attend.
Jerrilyn Satrang Mathisrud
Posted on the 2015-08-26 at 20:00
Mrs. Hagstrom's Art Students Update After the school tour on Friday, we will meet for lunch at Granite City (Highway 100 & Excelsior Blvd.) at 12:45 pm.
Hillary Kollins Stoltz
Posted on the 2015-08-26 at 20:00
Hi all, 50 wonderful years have gone by, but getting back together and catching up with friends from Park High, Westwood Jr High and Fern Hill should weave us together again. Looking forward to our 50th High School Reunion and a weekend of fun. Many thanks to all of our classmates that stepped up to volunteer and put this special event together!  My husband, Bob, and I are retired & live on a pristine lake in the Northwoods near Itasca and we rarely venture to the "big city", but this will be a real treat.  Wishing you all peace, good health and blessings.
Laura Carlberg McArdle
Posted on the 2015-08-22 at 20:00
Does anyone have contact info for Sue Sterling?
Peter Jarosak
Posted on the 2015-08-19 at 20:00
I won't be able to come as I have had the funerals of two of my brothers there this summer and it's a long trip from North Carolina, sorry to miss it.
Mike Wilds
Posted on the 2015-08-15 at 20:00
Can't attaend .. 3 trips in 2 weeks.

fred anderson
Posted on the 2015-08-12 at 20:00
talked to Randy resnick, who is going back to France Aug 15th and won't be able to make it to reunion. As Henry Morgan (no, not Harry Morgan) used to say on CBS radio: Hello Anybody. As Gomer (no, not Goober) used to say, all the best to you and yours.
Chris Kaminski
Posted on the 2015-08-11 at 20:00
I 'd always associated the name of our year book Echowan with its homophone Echo 1, the the balloon satellite which I was just reminded, on the radio this morning, NASA launched 55 years ago today (Aug 12, 1960). So I pulled the year books off the shelf, and it occurred to me that the association must be coincidental, as the first two volumes are labeled Vol. 34 and Vol. 35, and by senior year they had lost count. This would imply that Volume 1 celebrated the graduating class of 1929, back far enough that they weren't even thinking about how to undo a Depression, never mind communication satellites.  Does anyone have a better story behind the naming of the yearbook? If not, I'm just gonna stick with the NASA balloon. I won't be able to make the reunion, but I'd like to suggest this as something to talk about after a few drinks at the Park Tavern.
Muggs Anderson GAllagher
Posted on the 2015-08-09 at 20:00
Greetings from Allen, Texas, my home for 30 years now. I am still wokrng as a nurse as I like to spend too much money on my 5 grandchildren who all live in the same town as I do. They keep me young and busy. Still married to Doug for 47 years. I will miss the reunion as I have already made my Minnesota trip this year but sounds like you have done a great job of planning this event. Hope you all have a great time!
Jerrilyn Satrang Mathisrud
Posted on the 2015-08-09 at 20:00
Mrs. Hagstrom, our art teacher, is attending the tour of the school on Friday and the Big Event on Saturday.  She would love to see her former students.  We will meet for lunch after the school tour.  Join us if you can!   
Sandy (snider) Larson
Posted on the 2015-08-02 at 20:00
I look forward to  seeing pictures and  reading about all the good times you will have.  I sorry but I  broke my leg in Feb and will not  beable to attend.  Leg healed with 19  screws and a  rod but its the  bending thats not cooperating.   So have a  great time and feel free to email.
Reed Becker
Posted on the 2015-08-02 at 20:00
I am excited to see a lot of people after 50 years.
Gail Papermaster Bender Satz
Posted on the 2015-07-29 at 20:00
I am looking forward to seeing everyone at the reunion.  I retired May, 2015 after working as a medical oncologist for 37 years.  I loved my career and was so privileged to witness and participate in so many advances in cancer care.   I have been married for 13 years to Mark Satz.   We have 4 sons and 2 daughters and 6 grandchildren.  I continue to have an apartment in Minneapolis, but I am living primarily in our lake home in Crosslake, MN where we golf, swim, fish, boat, and spend time with family and friends.  
Gail Papermaster Bender Satz
Posted on the 2015-07-12 at 20:00
Hi all,  Hard to believe that we are having our 50th high school reunion.  Remember when we couldn't trust anyone over 30 years old?  My life is busy and wonderful.  I just retired after working 37 years as a medical oncologist.  I loved my patients and being involved in all of the improvements in cancer care and treatment over my career.  But now it is time for a real vacation.  My four boys are all working and self-sufficient--2 in California and 2 in New York.  My husband, Mark Satz, and my 7 year-old granddaughter, Samantha, keep me active and moving with biking, kayaking, theater, and travel.  We live in Minneapolis near Lake Calhoun and have a lake home in Crosslake, MN.  Although I am saddened to learn of those no longer with us,  I am looking forward to our 50th Reunion event.  
Tom Wilcox
Posted on the 2015-07-12 at 20:00
Sad to report the passing of a Great Track Coach Roy Griak.  He was 91 and had work for the U. of M. Since 1963 a total of 52 years.  His obituary is in the Star and Tribune  today. RIP
Elaine Goss
Posted on the 2015-07-12 at 20:00
Me and my partner, Bob, have traveled to Puerto Rico, Mexico and Florida.  We love to travel, especially during the winter months.  We've been to Florida four times:  Miami Beach, Siesta Key, Inglewood & Fort Lauderdale.  We also go dancing every week to different places and do salsa.  We see a lot of movies.  I've been dancing since I was 13.  I read a lot and we travel a lot and it is very fun and exciting.  I work at STEP doing clerical work and I really like that.  Being with Bob has been the best relationship I've ever had. 
I was real saddened by Penny Glassman's passing.  I was also saddened by Roxy Orenstein's passing.  Bob and I like to go on a lot of walks in the summer.  We love the ocean.  Whenever we go on vacation, we just love the ocean.  It's interesting to see how other people live in the other countries that we have visited.  Traveling is fun and keeps you young at heart.  It broadens your mind.
Deb (Gelhar) Berg
Posted on the 2015-07-04 at 20:00
50 Years Already? Wow!  I will be at the reunion with my husband, Jim.  Marit Fredheim (foreign exchange student and my sister for the year) will be coming with us!  She is very excited to meet and greet everyone again.  Being retired now, I am being kept busy with projects for both my children (Lee and Miki,) but do not as of yet have any grandkids!  2 grandpuppies that I love, however. I am also volunteering at my church, and still doing creative arts for fun.  Since my husband does not wish to retire yet, we are still living in Minnesota.  Maybe in a few years we will try something a little warmer. The older we get, the less we tolerate the cold!  Especially after spending our 40th Wedding Anniversary in the beautiful, magical island of Hawaii.  Looking forward to greeting everyone soon.
marcie wattson jensen
Posted on the 2015-01-23 at 19:00
Our condolences to classmate Bruce Wallace for the loss of his wife Roseanne today.
Cynthia Pratt Thayer
Posted on the 2014-12-26 at 19:00
Another of our classmates has passed away.  Linda McKusick Romov passed away on Christmas Day, losing her battle with cancer.  She and her husband Jim have been living in Sherman Oaks, Ca.
Linda F. Anderson
Posted on the 2014-11-02 at 19:00
Unfortunately, this is becoming all to familiar.  Classmate Peter Hagen, still living in St. Louis Park, passed away on October 28th.  His obituary is in the Sunday Star Tribune today.
Linda F. anderson
Posted on the 2014-10-12 at 20:00
Classmate Sandee Cohodes (Landa) passed away in Toronto on October 6th.  Her obituary is in the Star Tribune this morning. 
Don Morss
Posted on the 2014-09-27 at 20:00
Hello form Montana - after 50 years it's time we come back and see our "ageless friends" !! Sally and I are looking forward to returning to MN for  a quick visit for the 50th Class Reunion.  See you next year.
Linda F. Anderson
Posted on the 2014-09-21 at 20:00
Classmate Curt Almquist passed away from cancer on September 18th.  His obituary was in the Star Tribune on Sunday, September 21st.
Randy Resnick
Posted on the 2014-07-28 at 20:00
50 years lucky with health Lived about half my life in Europe One wife of 35 years, but many careers No U of M diploma, but one quarter attended Coming to get you at the 50th reunion.  
Linda F. Anderson
Posted on the 2014-05-26 at 20:00
Unfortunately, another classmate has recently passed away.  Dennis Ikola died on May 20th and his obituary appeared in the Sunday Tribune today. Rest in Peace Dennis.
Arlene Vetsch Harper
Posted on the 2014-04-27 at 20:00
My father passed away on March 15 at age 94. He lived an active and full life.
Cynthia Pratt Thayer
Posted on the 2014-04-20 at 20:00
I didn't know I would be back at this site so soon.  It is with a sad heart that I report the passing of  my brother and our classmate, Jeff Nelson.  Jeffrey passed away this morning, on his 67th birthday.  He was living in Florida with his wife Carole. His children Megan and Ryan are still living in Minnesota.
Cynthia Pratt
Posted on the 2014-03-26 at 20:00
Just a note to those of you who knew my Mom, Ginny Pratt.  It is with much sadness that I let you know she passed away 3/25/14.  She had been living in Florida near my brother Jeff.  My husband and I got to spend some time with her in August on her 90th birthday.  Needless to say, she will be missed.  She will be remembered with love.
Linda F. Anderson
Posted on the 2014-03-16 at 20:00
Sadly, another classmate has passed away.  Linda Benjamin died on March 10th.  Her obituary is in today's Star Tribune.  Rest in Peace, Linda.
Linda F. Anderson
Posted on the 2014-01-25 at 19:00
Unfortunately another classmate has recently passed away.  Terje (Terry) Hausken passed away on January 18th.  His obituary appeared in the Star Tribune on January 21.
Terry was a neighbor of mine.  Such a super nice guy.  Rest in Peace, Terry.
Alan Weisman
Posted on the 2013-09-22 at 20:00
Dear Park '65 classmates --
Since regrets to all for missing the last couple of reunions -- I was across some ocean each time.  I won't miss the 50th.  Sincere envy to those of you already retired, or on the brink of it.  I'm a writer -- thanks mainly to Mr. Litsey in 11th grade, who taught me how, and to my total incompetence at anything else.   It's an addictive, exhilarating, precarious way to make a living, and for all those reasons, I'll likely keep doing it.
Many of you kindly wrote me because of my last book, The World Without Us, a  bestseller now in 34 languages.  I loved hearing from you: thanks so much. My next, titled Countdown, will be published this week, on Sept. 24, 2013, by Little, Brown and Company and soon in 15 foreign editions  The research took me to 21 countries, beginning in Israel and Palestine, ending in Iran, with much Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas in between -- long story.  If you're in the Twin Cities, the book tour will take me  on Oct. 2, to the University of Minnesota Bookstore, Memorial Union, 300 Washington Avenue, SE at 7:00 PM. On Oct. 3, I'll be at Barnes & Noble, 3225 West 69th Street, Edina, also at 7:00 PM.  The website below explains more about the book and lists where I'll appear in other cities -- it's incomplete, but updated weekly.  I'd be so grateful and happy to see any of you, as some of you -- Glenn Strand, Luther Dale, Ron Weisman, Rollie Troup, and Jeff Isenberg -- surprised me on my last book tour.  (This time, I've already heard that I may be seeing Bob Harada, Tim Long, Tom Sipkins, Bob Stein, Bill Posnick, and Al Stesin if he can get off work -- still a dedicated ER physician.)
Although I hadn't planned it that way, after traveling to all those places, my new book ends in Minnesota. For me, it was literally coming home. Thanks for the memories, gang.  We're all lucky that there are more to come.
Alan Weisman (I no longer respond to the nickname that began with T.  Don't even try.)
Coming Sept 24, 2013: Countdown: Our Last, Best Hope for a Future on Earth?
In paperback:
Linda Anderson
Posted on the 2013-09-15 at 20:00
Our classmate, Becky Longabaugh passed away on Friday, September 13.  Her obituary appeared in the Sunday Star Tribune on September 15.
Peter Hagen
Posted on the 2013-08-03 at 20:00
  My brother John Hagen passed away July 6th in Phoenix, Arizona. (SLP CLASS OF 61) For one, I am very sad.  Everybody loved my brother John.  He was a great guy and a good brother.
Cindy Pratt Thayer
Posted on the 2013-04-02 at 20:00
Just an update, I got married on Feb. 16, 2013 to Michael Thayer.  I am still living in the desert of So. California.  My address is changed but my phone number is still the same.  I am so excited to start this new chapter of my life.
Mike Dungan
Posted on the 2013-04-02 at 20:00
Hi former classmates. My wife and I have just moved to Eugene OR after 20 years in Geneva, Switzerland -- and 20 years before that in Texas (PhD from UW Seattle in 1974). Guess which one we preferred. Spending some time at the Johnson Space Center almost compensated for being in Houston, but not quite. I reached mandatory retirement age at the University of Geneva in 2012, and Linda hit the same wall at Oracle's European-Middle East office a year before. I now have an unpaid position at the University of Oregon, where I am living the dream of a Permanent Sabbatical Leave, and am engaged in publishing a huge backlog of data on Andean volcanism (central Chile). You can see me on YouTube at "Dungan in the Andes." Our son Jason (34) and his Danish wife are artists living in London, and we recently returned from one of many trips to visit them and our amazingly darling grand daughter (20 months).
I regret missing all previous reunions, but am committed to making the 50th, if I am still around. Bill Posnick is almost the only ex-Oriole with whom I have had contact over the years, and the last time was during the early 80's (late 70's?) in Texas. He was moving rather frequently to ever higher career levels in dental surgery during that era, so I have no idea where he is these days. I bet he shows up on Google.
I wish you all the best.
Dee Dee Perlman
Posted on the 2013-04-01 at 20:00
PETER HAGEN SUFFERS STROKE   Dear classmates, Peter had a blood clot that moved to his brain causing a stroke that affected the left side of his body.  He would love to hear from classmates during his undetermined length of stay @ Courage Center.  Contact info is: cell 612/619.4811  email =  Courage Center  3925 Golden Valley Rd., room 2  Golden Valley, MN 55422.  Week days therapy lasts until about 4pm daily; week ends 10:30 - 11:30 & 2-3pm
Feel free to contact me for additional info [if I have any]; 800-444-5535 or my cell 952/210.4443
Ron Hall
Posted on the 2012-11-25 at 19:00
Hello 1965 Classmates! Just stopping by to wish you all a Blessed, Safe and Happy Thankgiving holiday.

Ron Hall
Nancy Brown Mark
Posted on the 2012-08-21 at 20:00
 My husaband Rick and I have been married for 41 year.  We have 2 boys 38 and 35. Jesse is an investment banker and lives in NYC with his wife and 3 children.  Ethan is a lawyer and lives in MSP with his wife and 2 children. Needless to say our children have made us very happy and we are fortunate to visit our children often.  We have a place in Minneapolis and also have a home in Sea Pines which is in Hilton Head SC. Not only is it a playground for adults but it is a great place for family and friends.  Never having been athletic I have had fun playing tennis and even going to SC State Tennis Tournaments.Have a fun renunion..
terje (terry) hausken
Posted on the 2012-07-29 at 20:00
ZHi friends!
I\'m sorry that Barb(Bucka) will not be able to attend this party - but, we are celebrating a grandson\'s birthday!  I would love to hear from you.  Thanks to Linda for making so many contacts, and making this event possible.  We still live in Pine Island, MN, and I don\'t have enough sense to retire, but I am still serving  as pastor of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America.  Greetings to everybody!
Terje (Terry) and Barb (nee Bucka) Hausken
Greg Tillman
Posted on the 2012-07-25 at 20:00
It will be good to see all of you from the class of 65.  I attended a gathering at the Park Tavern after 40 years. 
Mark L Rosen
Posted on the 2011-11-13 at 19:00
Hi Everyone!

I can\'t wait for our Class of \'65 next reunion that is going to be held... aka "Birthday Bash 65" for those of us 65 years old and coincidently from the Class of 65!

Well, I finally did it. I retired from the film entertainment industry. I spent 41 very lucky snd fabulous years assembling, packaging and producing feature films, documentaries for PBS and, live concerts and a couple TV shows that lasted a nano-second :-).

If you are interested in a brief synopsis of what I did in the film industry for those 41 years here it is:

I am so lucky, I am an Academy Award winning producer for a film that I produced called Who Are The DeBolts and Where Did They Get Nineteen Children. We won the Academy Award for Best Documentary in 1979.

I began my film career in Los Angeles as a theatrical film buyer for Mann Theaters, overseeing the booking of films into literally the world\'s most famous theater Grauman\'s Chinese Theater.

Through the years I was very lucky to have worked with some of the incredibly best personally and talented people in the film industry.

From my first job at Mann Theaters, I then ventured into producing films and concerts working for many different film companies that included American International Pictures, Bryanston Films, Group One International, Cannon Films, Powerhouse Films and many others, where I was responsible for the worldwide production or distribution of our films with the companies I was working for that were located in Hollywood, CA, New York City, NY, London, England, Florence, Italy, Cannes, France and Tokyo, Japan.

Because I traveled so much doing what I did, my film friends gave me a nickname known as "Travelin\' Rose".

I got very lucky in 1997 and was the second person in film history worldwide to release a film on a new frontier called DVD, the new frontier for mass consumption as they called it.

I was asked in an interview recently what I enjoyed the most during my 41 years in the entertainment industry. I said that I was extremely proud of The Wall That Heals that I produced in 1997.

It is about the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, our country\'s most treasured and actually the most visited monument in Washington, DC.

The Wall That Heals tells the amazing story of how "The Wall" has helped to heal millions of Americans.

I think I actually spent more time in hotels all around the world than in my various residences due to my film producing activities. I was always out and about doing what I did professionally.

I once lived in Venice Beach, CA right on the beach called Ocean Front Walk. It was the best! What a crazy cast of characters that were always passing by my front door and yard at my house on Ocean Front Walk. I still to this day laugh about some of those characters I met.

Have fun! Smile and laugh each day! Be well!

Enjoy Life.... ONE DAY AT A TIME!!!!!

Looking forward to our next get together.

By the way, I forgot to mention that I am back in Minnesota living in Hopkins. My eMail address is and my phone number is (612) 867-2560 if you ever want to get in touch with me.

With fond memories of our Class of \'65. One of the best times in our lives!

Mark.... aka "Travelin\' Rose"
Mark L Rosen
Posted on the 2011-03-25 at 20:00
Hi Everyone!

Well, I finally did it. I retired from the film entertainment industry. I spent fortyone fabulous years assebling, packaging and producting feature films, documentaries for the theaters as well as PBS, live concerts and a couple TV shows that lasted a nano-secong.

I lived all over Los Angeles County from Beverly Hills, to Malibu, to Santa Monica and directly on Venice Beach.

Venice Beach was the best! What a crazy cast of characters that were always passing by the front door and my yard at my house on Ocean Front Walk in Venice.

If you are interested in what I actually did for those many years, go to . When you get to the home page at the top enter "Mark L Rosen" and click on "People" for the search engine.

My name will come up. Click on it and it will give you a brief biography and overview of what I did over the 41 years.

Have fun! Smile and laugh each day! Be well! Enjoy Life.... ONE DAY AT A TIME!!!!!

Looking forward to the next get together.

By the way, I forgot to mention that I am back in Minnesota living in Hopkins. My eMail address is and my phone number is (612) 867-2560 if you want to get in touch with me.

With fond memories of our Class of \'65. One of the best times in our lives!

Mark.... aka  "Travelin\' Rose" by my film friends.
Kathy Femrite Douglas
Posted on the 2011-03-22 at 20:00
The website is fantastic!! I look forward to the 65 bash...the Park Tavern is always nice and a good way to visit. Wish the del on Lake Street was still there...hmmm pastrami on rye, oh my.
Ron Morss
Posted on the 2011-01-15 at 19:00
I was at the Park Taveren for the last reunion.  It was interesting and fun to visit with so many of my classmates of 1965.  I recently retired from teaching (District 196; Apple Valley rosemount) after 33 years.  I also pulled the plug about five years ago from the USAR (27 years).  It has been fun, but I want to travel and spend some fun time with my first wife, Joan skog.
R. Morss
Suzanne Story
Posted on the 2010-09-15 at 20:00
Nice reunion.. Good job on the Website.  Hi to Linda Steele. I knew some of you and thought I would take a peek.  Going to my husband\'s class of \'65 reunion in Worthington tomorrow.  Cheers.
Suzanne..\'65 Cake eater!!
Elliot Herstein
Posted on the 2010-09-07 at 20:00
Great job on the 45th reunion
Curt Almquist
Posted on the 2010-09-07 at 20:00
I went to the PT on the 27th and saw quite a few classmates. Nice experience. Looking forward to attending the 50th. Hope to hear from you.
cindy pratt
Posted on the 2010-09-07 at 20:00
I got back to Calif last night after spending 2 wonderful weeks in Minnesota.  I can\'t quite express the emotions of our class reunion.  Just an awesome time!!!!  Thank you to everyone on the committee!!!  LOVE to all my "classmates"!  Hope to see you for our 65th birthday.
Ron Peterson
Posted on the 2010-08-30 at 20:00


Thanks to the committee for all their hard work, the nametags for Saturday night were great!  Hope to see more of our classmates in 2015.
Robert Holt
Posted on the 2010-08-28 at 20:00
 Hello STLP \'65ers - wish I were there with you, have a few margaritas on me - I will too.   It was sad to hear of the passing of another one of our classmates, Anna - I agree, she was an elegant and beautiful lady. Gods peace be with you all,BobbyJoe 206-307-3059PS: Nuper, she\'s still an 11 
Ron Hall
Posted on the 2010-08-26 at 20:00
Sorry I will not be able to attend the 45th reunion. Have fun everyone! Thanks to all who organized the reunion. I hope to make it to the 50th.
mark cohen
Posted on the 2010-08-26 at 20:00
 hey kids   sorry i won\'t make it home for the 45th...sure hope you all celebrate for me...will be there for our 50th for sure...take care and be well xo mark
bob maanum
Posted on the 2010-08-04 at 20:00

what a great website. i did\'nt know george was that smart, i knew linda was, but george!
anyway i got on the site for the first time last night about 9 pm and did\'nt get off till 2 am( to many big words)  but it was a wonderful trip down memory lane. thanks for finding me. bob

Owen Husney
Posted on the 2010-08-01 at 20:00
Something is very wrong.  How is it possible to be 39 years old and having your 45th reunion?  Someone please check with the school records keeping department ASAP.

Great job on the website!
Vicky McDonald Fodor
Posted on the 2010-07-30 at 20:00
I am sorry to report that the obituary of our classmate Anna Geyer Heinrich is in the St Paul Pioneer Press (and was published today. She died Thursday, July 29, apparently of cancer. The memorial service is on August 1 at the MN Arboretum. I will remember Anna as an elegant and intelligent lady.
Sandy Blue Tracy
Posted on the 2010-07-18 at 20:00
Hello, everyone, although I haven\'t kept in touch with very many of you.  Great website.  Sad to learn that so many have passed already.  I will probably miss the reuinion because it would be like meeting new folks again.  High school is still kind of a blur for me.  I still live nearby.  Send me an email if you remember me.